Publications. University of Konstanz, P.O. About. Box 43 D-78457 Konstanz. CNET DE. Ulla Gebert Phone: +49-(0)7531-88-2292 Fax: +49 (0)7531-88-2971 E-Mail: … Forensische Psychologie - Universität Konstanz - study in Constance, Germany The university is Germany's southernmost university and is situated on the shore of Lake Constance just four kilometres from the Swiss border. Reads . Projects 1. About. Sarah Gröner Secretary Phone: +49 7531 88 -5317 Fax: +49 7531 88 -5226 E-Mail: sek-renner [at] Room: G528 Office hours: Monday - Friday 09:00-13:00. middle group. Information about Heidelberg, transportation, and other recommendations. 2. Neu: Die unerträgliche Schönheit des Instabilen. Network. It is an academic discipline of immense scope and diverse interests that, when taken together, seek an understanding of the emergent properties of brains, and all the variety of epiphenomena they manifest. During the first semester every MSc SEDS student takes the introductory module Introduction to Computational Methods for the Social Sciences (9 ECTS).. During your first and second semester you will also take introductory (bachelor) classes … Contact. University of Konstanz P.O. Box 14 D-78457 Konstanz. During the first semester every MSc SEDS student takes the introductory module Introduction to Computational Methods for the Social Sciences (9 ECTS).. During your first and second semester you will also take introductory (bachelor) classes … ZDNet Deutschland. Publications 3. Program information about courses, exams, and theses for Bachelor and Master students. MASTER AND MORE: information about your Masters study. Neuesten Nachrichten aus. Psychology as a science is concerned with behaviour and experience as well as their … Contact. Master of Science . About. - 15.7. Bachelor of Science, Master of Science / B.Sc., M.Sc. Master of Science. - 15.1. About ... is a collaboration among multiple chairs of the department of Psychology of University of Zurich and University of Konstanz. In my opinion, the diversity of scientific disciplines encompassed by the subject as well as the wide range of potential future careers make psychology an extremely fascinating and inspiring degree programme. Research interests. Network. About. Contact UiO. Contact. You will acquire: sound scientific knowledge in numerous psychological domains, job-relevant competences and tools, an excellent foundation for further academic education (e.g., a master's and/or doctoral programme). Publications 2. After the master's programme you can continue with doctoral studies in Sociology and acquire a doctorate (Dr. rer. bottom group. Psychologie / Psychology (Master of Science) Program: Psychologie / Psychology Degree: Master of Science (M.Sc.) 3. You apply for admission directly to the preferred programme option: Cognitive Neuroscience; Regulations. University of Konstanz P.O. Office: C518 Tel. STUDI-Info - das Info-Magazin. Publications. Projects 5. Research interests. Bachelor of Science, Master of Science / B.Sc., M.Sc. Fachbereich Wirtschaftswissenschaften at the Uni Konstanz. Publications 13. Publications 2. Fachbereich Psychologie . First and second semester. den Doktortitel zu erreichen. Why Psychology? Solltest du deine Zukunft an der Universität sehen, hast du die Möglichkeit, nach dem Master-Abschluss einen Ph.D. anzuschließen bzw. Universität Konstanz ... Master of Science. 1,504. Reads . 47.689365 9.186871. Universität Konstanz: Jacobs University Bremen: Universität Freiburg: Some possible job titles in this area include: A master's degree in psychology also serves as an excellent preparation for careers outside of psychology. Master Psychologie mit Schwerpunkt Forensische Psychologie Die Universität Konstanz bietet Ihnen einen berufsbegleitenden Masterstudiengang Psychologie mit Schwerpunkt Forensische Psychologie. soc.). Uni Konstanz Word . Office D 512 Tel. Our department (the department of Psychology) mainly offers courses taught in German but there are also a couple courses taught in English. P.O. The programme in Konstanz offers special benefits in this regard. D. Student. : +49 7531 88-3024 Fax: +49 7531 88-5288 gaissmaier [at] : +49 7531 / 88-4210 denise.kerkhoff [at] First and second semester. Regulations governing admission to the University of Oslo (in Norwegian) UiO > University of Oslo > Studies > Contact us. 2. Registration for current experiments in the social psychology department. Publications. Uni Konstanz Stellen . | 8.12. Postgraduate study programme which requires a first university degree. Uni Konstanz. 253. Box 47 78457 Konstanz, Germany. PhD student at the University of Konstanz, General and Biological Psychology, Germany: 2018: Summerschool "Analyzing Neural Time Series Data" (Prof. Mike X. Cohen) at Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands : 2015: Research Visit at the Communication Neuroscience Lab (Prof. Emily Falk), Annenberg School of Communication, University of Pennsylvania, USA: 2013: Springschool … Finanzmathematik Während des Bachelorstudiums werden Ihnen die studienspezifischen formalen Analysemethoden vermittelt; sehr gute Grundkenntnisse in Mathematik erleichtern Ihnen den Zugang zu mathematischen und ökonomischen Fragestellungen. Box 47 D-78457 Konstanz. Tel. Further Interesting Subjects . Finanzmathematik Während des Bachelorstudiums werden Ihnen die studienspezifischen formalen Analysemethoden vermittelt; sehr gute Grundkenntnisse in Mathematik erleichtern Ihnen den Zugang zu mathematischen und ökonomischen Fragestellungen. Uni Konstanz Kim . 434. Contact. Uni Konstanz; Home; People; Publications; Denise Kerkhoff. Du interessierst Dich für das Studium Psychologie - Forensische Psychologie (berufsbegleitend) an der Uni Konstanz? Johann-Konrad Weber, 18, Psychology, 1st semester Bachelor. Auf rund 60 Seiten berichtet STUDI-Info sowohl über das Bewerbungsverfahren für die medizinischen Fächer als auch über das Zulassungsverfahren für staatliche Universitäten und Fachhochschulen mit örtlichem NC, private Hochschulen und duale Studiengänge.PDF Download Methods for Intensive Data in Psychology University of Konstanz. Master of Science. Participation. Master of Science in Psychology. Psychologie: Klinische Psychologie, Neuro- und Rehabilitationswissenschaften Master of Science (M.Sc.) Its main campus was opened on the Gießberg in 1972 after being founded in 1966. Courses in Konstanz: To find out about our courses please visit the LSF. University of Oslo > Studies > Master's programmes and PhD > Psychology (master's 2-years) > Admission Psychology (master's 2-years) Admission. für Studienstart und Studienplatz-bewerbung. Uni Konstanz Master . 78457 Konstanz, Germany, E-Mail: midpsy [at] We will inform you here, at this web page, as soon as appointments can be made. About. You can find out more about career entry in the interview series #dreamjob - Starting a career. : +49 7531 / 88-4210 University of Konstanz jan.lindenau [at], Methoden für Intensive Daten in der Psychologie University of Konstanz Box 14 jan.lindenau [at] Psychology is the science of behavior and mind, including conscious and unconscious phenomena, as well as feeling and thought. : +49 7531 / 88-5650 Address. Reads . Alumni of the University of Konstanz report on their very personal career entry. Network. University of Konstanz . Uni Konstanz Psychologie Nc . Office: G522 Office hours: upon arrangement Phone: +49 (0) 7531 88 3182 Fax: +49 (0) 7531 88 5226 Email: Nadine.Lages [at] Literature (Konstanz Master School of Literary Studies) | Master of Arts Admission restrictions no Period of study 4 Programme start W | S Deadline 12.05. About. Basic information. Sociology is involved in the Graduate School of Decision Sciences (GSDS). The University of Konstanz (German: Universität Konstanz) is a university in the city of Konstanz in Baden-Württemberg, Germany. About. Uni Konstanz; Home; People; Research; Publications; Questionnaires and Measures; In the Media; Teaching; Testothek ; User login. About. Dein Psychologie-Master verhilft dir dabei zur nötigen Qualifizierung und öffnet dir darüber hinaus die Tür zu einer akademischen Karriere. Artikel. Main menu. Master, consecutive. Projects 1. Ph. Visitors. Network. Learn more. However, outstanding students of the Master courses at the Konstanz Departments of Biology and Chemistry are able to apply to embark on the doctoral thesis in the graduate school without performing a Master Thesis via the Konstanz Fast Track system. Uni Konstanz Lehramt . 331. Publications. 13. Advanced modules (purely master's level) As the exam regulations specify, you need to complete at least three advanced modules in one area to be able to have a specification stated on your examination certificate. not grouped. Find me on : Curriculum Vitae Professional experience. Hier findest Du nützliche Infos zum Studiengang. Contact. To enter the Fast Track system, students must have an excellent study record and a proven interest into Chemical Biology. Studenten führen auf der Absolventenfeier im Rahmen des dies academicus zwei Stücke vor. Of course you would have access to them as a visiting student! Uni Konstanz; Universitätsstraße 10; 78464 Konstanz; Phone: +49 7531 88-2314; Website of the department ; Online application; Student body; top group. Uni Konstanz Wiwi . Contact. Psychologie: Kognitionspsychologie, Lernen und Arbeiten Insights.
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