Right now, there is no router in the picture, so I'm not sure what to enter as "Default Gateway" for example, and if that even matters for a LAN like this, with no router / internet access. By default, the username will appear, Admin, you can change that too. You do not need the ip address of the unit. Wenn Sie gar nicht erst die Benutzeroberfläche der Diskstation öffnen wollen, nehmen Sie den kurzen Weg über das Progrämmchen ping.. Öffnen Sie die Kommandozeile Ihres Rechners – auf dem Mac das Terminal, auf Linux die Shell, unter Windows die DOS-Eingabeaufforderung. Done, your network settings are now automatically reset. ... We recommend that you also set a strong and unique password right after setting up your Synology NAS and to disable the system default admin account**. IP via Ping ermitteln. Download and Launch Synology Assistant and double-click on the field showing your Synology NAS. Through this utility you can also connect to the web-based management interface of the NAS and (in case the NAS isn't setup yet) push the latest firmware version to the NAS. Jetzt hab ich nur keinen blassen Schimmer mehr, welche IP das Ding jetzt hat ;-) Der IP Bereich war irgendwas seltsames, so dass ich das Gerät auch nicht mehr mit dem DS Asssitant sehe. H Afterwards, click the Sign In button. ... IP Auto Block. Step 8: If you want to change the admin or some user password from the Settings of Synology DSM. Right now the NAS has an IP address of 169.xxx.x.x. We have a Synology NAS DS918+ running the latest DSM (DSM 6.2.1-23824). You will need to know then when you get a new router, or when you reset your router. At the login page, enter the system default username admin and leave the password field blank. say your NAS thinks it is the /24 means that the subnetmask is 24 bits ie with mac address … Seleccionamos, en caso que tengamos varias, la interfaz de red que queremos tal y como se muestra en la siguiente imagen ( … The Synology is linked to our Domain, and has the following networking settings: Hostname: SRVSTORAGE / IP Static ( We use group policies to map certain drives, … Synology provides a utility called SynologyAssistant (Windows and MacOS) that shows you all Syno devices connected to your network and their ip-addresses. Enter the new strong password two times and then click on the Submit to change the root or default password of the Synology NAS. Una vez que sabemos que IP colocar, para poder configurar la dirección IP en NAS de Synology, abrimos un navegador de Internet y accedemos al Panel de control > Red. Then click on the Control panel icon. Habe also mal wie im Handbuch beschrieben hinten den Reset Button gedrückt, um das alles auf Default zurück zu setzen. If you do what I told you before with setting up the arp table your computer will talk to the address thinking it is the correct address. Set up notifications on your Synology NAS and get notified by email, SMS, on your mobile device, or through your web browser when specific events or errors occur. More to come!!! Synology DiskStation QuickConnect: NAS-Adresse ändern Wenn ihr eure DiskStation nicht immer über die lange IP-Adresse ansteuern wollt, könnt ihr eine QuickConnect-ID vergeben. Hi. Find the default login, username, password, and ip address for your Synology router. Computer accessory Gadgets Other hardware PC hardware Software Synology Disk Station DS412+ Synology DiskStation DS213j Web quora.com Read Full Story >> quora.com
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