6.58 km. The United States have not adopted data protection standards in conformity with EU requirements. Pension Lüftenegger is surrounded by mountains and features rooms with wooden furniture, cable TV, and free WiFi. Guests can visit Burg Mauterndorf, which is 1,950 feet away. Things to do Restaurants Flights Vacation Rentals Shopping Vacation Packages Cruises Rental Cars. The free ski bus to Mauterndorf, Obertauern, Fanningberg and Katschberg stops only 30 metres away. It is located on a rocky cliff and dominates the historical town of Mauterndorf. Austria . Purpose: Video playbackrocessing operations: Collection of connection data, of data of your web browser and data of accessed content; placing of advertising cookies by Google; processing of collected data by GoogleStorage period: until you leave the websiteJoint controller: Google Ireland Limited, Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, IrelandLegal basis of processing: voluntary, revocable consent at any timeConsequences of not consenting: The Youtube service will not be made available.Legal basis for the transmission of data to the USA:The Google group will transmit your personal data to the United States. Book the most popular Tickets in Mauterndorf. Going out; burg.mauterndorf@aon.at +4364727426; www.salzburg-burgen.at; Castle. Experience the whole range of offerings at Mauterndorf Castle. Alternatively, you can take a bus from Vienna to Mauterndorf via Salzburg, Salzburg South and Salzburg Ginzkeyplatz in around 7h 21m. Share on Twitter Share on Facebook. Purpose: Failure analysis, statistical analysis of our websiterocessing operations: Collection of connection data, of data of your web browser and data of accessed content; execution of analysis software and storing of data on your terminal device, anonymization of collected data; analysis of anonymous data in the form of statisticsStorage period: Data on your device for up to two years. 6 (1) (a) GDPR. Eine faszinierende Zeitreise ins Mittelalter A fascinating trip back to the Middle Ages Here, too, you can enjoy free admission with the SalzburgerLand Card and Die Abenteuerlichen Drei (The Adventurous Three) combined ticket and the Lungau Card. For this reason, the European Court of Justice has issued a judgment by which it invalidated the previous adequacy decision. See gallery Travel back in time to the Middle Ages at Mauterndorf Castle. See all 2 Burg Mauterndorf tours on Tripadvisor Please select, if appropriate, the following options: Anonymous failure analysis and sophistication, PGRpdiBjbGFzcz0ic3AtZHNndm8gc3AtZHNndm8tZW1iZWRkaW5nLWNvbnRhaW5lciBzcC1kc2d2by1lbWJlZGRpbmctdmlkZW9feW91dHViZSI+PGRpdiBjbGFzcz0ic3AtZHNndm8tYmxvY2tlZC1lbWJlZGRpbmctcGxhY2Vob2xkZXIgc3AtZHNndm8tYmxvY2tlZC1lbWJlZGRpbmctcGxhY2Vob2xkZXItdmlkZW9feW91dHViZSI+ICA8ZGl2IGNsYXNzPSJzcC1kc2d2by1ibG9ja2VkLWVtYmVkZGluZy1wbGFjZWhvbGRlci1oZWFkZXIiPjxpbWcgY2xhc3M9InNwLWRzZ3ZvLWJsb2NrZWQtZW1iZWRkaW5nLXBsYWNlaG9sZGVyLWhlYWRlci1pY29uIiBzcmM9ImRhdGE6aW1hZ2Uvc3ZnK3htbDtiYXNlNjQsUEQ5NGJXd2dkbVZ5YzJsdmJqMGlNUzR3SWlCbGJtTnZaR2x1WnowaWRYUm1MVGdpUHo0S1BDRXRMU0JIWlc1bGNtRjBiM0k2SUVGa2IySmxJRWxzYkhWemRISmhkRzl5SURJMExqQXVNQ3dnVTFaSElFVjRjRzl5ZENCUWJIVm5MVWx1SUM0Z1UxWkhJRlpsY25OcGIyNDZJRFl1TURBZ1FuVnBiR1FnTUNrZ0lDMHRQZ284YzNabklIWmxjbk5wYjI0OUlqRXVNU0lnYVdROUlrVmlaVzVsWHpFaUlIaHRiRzV6UFNKb2RIUndPaTh2ZDNkM0xuY3pMbTl5Wnk4eU1EQXdMM04yWnlJZ2VHMXNibk02ZUd4cGJtczlJbWgwZEhBNkx5OTNkM2N1ZHpNdWIzSm5MekU1T1RrdmVHeHBibXNpSUhnOUlqQndlQ0lnZVQwaU1IQjRJZ29KSUhacFpYZENiM2c5SWpBZ01DQTVPUzQ0SURrNUxqZ2lJSE4wZVd4bFBTSmxibUZpYkdVdFltRmphMmR5YjNWdVpEcHVaWGNnTUNBd0lEazVMamdnT1RrdU9Ec2lJSGh0YkRwemNHRmpaVDBpY0hKbGMyVnlkbVVpUGdvOGMzUjViR1VnZEhsd1pUMGlkR1Y0ZEM5amMzTWlQZ29KTG5OME1IdG1hV3hzT2lNelJqTkdNMFk3ZlFvSkxuTjBNWHRtYVd4c09pTkVSVGxHTWpjN2ZRb0pMbk4wTW50bWFXeHNPaU5HUmtaR1JrWTdmUW9KTG5OME0zdG1hV3hzT25WeWJDZ2pVMVpIU1VSZk1WOHBPMzBLQ1M1emREUjdabWxzYkRwMWNtd29JMU5XUjBsRVh6SmZLVHQ5Q2drdWMzUTFlMlpwYkd3Nkl6QXdPVVZEUWp0OUNna3VjM1EyZTJacGJHdzZkWEpzS0NOVFZrZEpSRjh6WHlrN2ZRb0pMbk4wTjN0bWFXeHNPblZ5YkNnalUxWkhTVVJmTkY4cE8zMEtDUzV6ZERoN1ptbHNiRHAxY213b0kxTldSMGxFWHpWZktUdDlDZ2t1YzNRNWUyWnBiR3c2ZFhKc0tDTlRWa2RKUkY4Mlh5azdmUW9KTG5OME1UQjdabWxzYkRwMWNtd29JMU5XUjBsRVh6ZGZLVHQ5Q2drdWMzUXhNWHRtYVd4c09uVnliQ2dqVTFaSFNVUmZPRjhwTzMwS0NTNXpkREV5ZTJacGJHdzZkWEpzS0NOVFZrZEpSRjg1WHlrN2ZRb0pMbk4wTVRON1ptbHNiRHAxY213b0kxTldSMGxFWHpFd1h5azdmUW9KTG5OME1UUjdabWxzYkRwMWNtd29JMU5XUjBsRVh6RXhYeWs3ZlFvSkxuTjBNVFY3Wm1sc2JEcDFjbXdvSTFOV1IwbEVYekV5WHlrN2ZRbzhMM04wZVd4bFBnbzhaejRLQ1R4d1lYUm9JR05zWVhOelBTSnpkREVpSUdROUlrMDJOQ3cwT0M0eVl6QXROaTQyTFRVdU5DMDVMak10TVRFdU15MHhNUzR5WXkwMUxURXVOeTAzTGpRdE1pNDNMVGN1TkMwMUxqSmpNQzB5TGpJc01pNHpMVE11Tnl3MUxqY3RNeTQzWXpNdU5Dd3dMRFV1T0N3eExEY3VNaXd4TGpsc01TNHhMREF1TndvSkNXd3lMakV0TlM0M2JDMHdMamd0TUM0MFl5MHlMall0TVM0MUxUWXRNaTR6TFRrdU5TMHlMak5qTFRjdU55d3dMVEV6TERRdU1pMHhNeXd4TUM0ell6QXVNU3d4TGprc01DNDRMRE11T1N3eExqZ3NOUzR6WXkweUxqY3NNaTR4TFRRdU1pdzBMamd0TkM0eUxEY3VOd29KQ1dNd0xEWXVOaXcxTGprc09TNHlMREV5TERFeExqSmpOaTR4TERJdU1TdzNMaklzTXk0MUxEY3VNaXcxTGpkak1Dd3pMakV0TXk0eUxEUXVNeTAyTGpJc05DNHpZeTB6TGpNc01DMDJMak10TVM0ekxUY3VPUzB5TGpWc0xURXVNUzB3TGpoc0xUSXVOQ3cxTGpkc01DNDNMREF1TlFvSkNXTXlMallzTVM0NUxEWXVOQ3d5TGprc01UQXVPQ3d5TGpsak5pNDNMREFzTVRNdU5DMHpMak1zTVRNdU5DMHhNQzQ0WXpBdE1pNHpMVEF1T1MwMExqTXRNaTAxTGpaRE5qSXVPQ3cxTXk0NUxEWTBMRFV4TGpNc05qUXNORGd1TW5vZ1RUVTNMakVzTkRrS0NRbGpNQ3d4TGpVdE1DNDFMREl1T0MweExqVXNNeTQzWXkweExqY3RNQzQ1TFRRdU15MHhMamt0Tmk0NUxUSXVPR010TlM0MUxUSXROaTR5TFRNdU9DMDJMakl0TlM0eVl6QXRNUzQxTERBdU5pMHlMamNzTWkwekxqaGpNUzQzTERBdU9TdzBMREV1Tnl3MkxESXVOUW9KQ1dNd0xqVXNNQzR5TERFc01DNDBMREV1TlN3d0xqWkROVFl1Tml3ME5TNDJMRFUzTGpFc05EY3VOaXcxTnk0eExEUTVlaUl2UGdvSlBHeHBibVZoY2tkeVlXUnBaVzUwSUdsa1BTSlRWa2RKUkY4eFh5SWdaM0poWkdsbGJuUlZibWwwY3owaWRYTmxjbE53WVdObFQyNVZjMlVpSUhneFBTSXpOQzR3TURBeklpQjVNVDBpTmpBdU5UWTRJaUI0TWowaU1UQTFMall4T0RRaUlIa3lQU0l0TVRFdU1EVWlQZ29KQ1R4emRHOXdJQ0J2Wm1aelpYUTlJakFpSUhOMGVXeGxQU0p6ZEc5d0xXTnZiRzl5T2lNeU1qWTNPRVlpTHo0S0NRazhjM1J2Y0NBZ2IyWm1jMlYwUFNJd0xqTTVNek1pSUhOMGVXeGxQU0p6ZEc5d0xXTnZiRzl5T2lNd01EbEZRMElpTHo0S0NRazhjM1J2Y0NBZ2IyWm1jMlYwUFNJd0xqazVNemtpSUhOMGVXeGxQU0p6ZEc5d0xXTnZiRzl5T2lNMk4wSXpSRVFpTHo0S0NUd3ZiR2x1WldGeVIzSmhaR2xsYm5RK0NnazhjR0YwYUNCamJHRnpjejBpYzNReklpQmtQU0pOT1RFdU55dzFNQzR4WXkweExqY3NNQzB6TGpRdE1DNDBMVFV0TVdNdE5TNDRMREl4TGpNdE1UY3VPQ3d6Tmk0MUxUTTFMallzTkRVdU1Xd3RNQzR6TERBdU1td3RNQzR6TFRBdU1VTTBOeTR6TERrekxETTVMaklzT0RrdU15d3pNU3c0TUM0ekNna0pZeTA1TGpNdE1UQXVNaTB4TlM0M0xUSXpMamt0TVRrdU1pMDBNQzQ0VERFeExqY3NNemxzTUM0MExUQXVNMk14TGpVdE1TNHpMREl1TXkwekxqRXNNaTR6TFRVdU1XTXdMVE11T0MwekxqRXROaTQ0TFRZdU9DMDJMamhqTFRNdU9Dd3dMVFl1T0N3ekxqRXROaTQ0TERZdU9Bb0pDV013TERNdU1pd3lMak1zTmk0eExEVXVOU3cyTGpkc01DNDFMREF1TVd3d0xqRXNNQzQxWXpRdU55d3lNaTR5TERFekxqZ3NNelV1T0N3eU1DNDNMRFF6TGpKak1URXVNaXd4TWk0eUxESXlMak1zTVRVdU15d3lNaTQ0TERFMUxqVnNNQzQ1TERBdU1td3dMamt0TUM0MENna0pZekU1TGprdE9TNHhMRE16TGpZdE1qWXVNaXd6T1M0NExUUTVMak5ET1RFdU9DdzFNQzR4TERreExqY3NOVEF1TVN3NU1TNDNMRFV3TGpGNklFMDNMallzTXpndU1XTXRNaTQxTERBdE5DNDJMVEl0TkM0MkxUUXVObU13TFRJdU5Td3lMVFF1Tml3MExqWXROQzQyQ2drSll6SXVOU3d3TERRdU5pd3lMRFF1Tml3MExqWkRNVEl1TVN3ek5pNHhMREV3TGpFc016Z3VNU3czTGpZc016Z3VNWG9pTHo0S0NUeHNhVzVsWVhKSGNtRmthV1Z1ZENCcFpEMGlVMVpIU1VSZk1sOGlJR2R5WVdScFpXNTBWVzVwZEhNOUluVnpaWEpUY0dGalpVOXVWWE5sSWlCNE1UMGlNamd1TWpjd09TSWdlVEU5SWpVeUxqZzFNREVpSUhneVBTSTRNaTQzT0RReElpQjVNajBpTFRFdU5qWXpNaUkrQ2drSlBITjBiM0FnSUc5bVpuTmxkRDBpTUNJZ2MzUjViR1U5SW5OMGIzQXRZMjlzYjNJNkl6SXlOamM0UmlJdlBnb0pDVHh6ZEc5d0lDQnZabVp6WlhROUlqQXVNemt6TXlJZ2MzUjViR1U5SW5OMGIzQXRZMjlzYjNJNkl6QXdPVVZEUWlJdlBnb0pDVHh6ZEc5d0lDQnZabVp6WlhROUlqQXVPVGt6T1NJZ2MzUjViR1U5SW5OMGIzQXRZMjlzYjNJNkl6WTNRak5FUkNJdlBnb0pQ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All-inclusive! Burg Mauterndorf. The United States have not adopted data protection standards in conformity with EU requirements. Spectacular journey through time for young and old, Fascinating view of Mauterndorf and the surrounding mountains from the 44m peel tower. See Similar Products. You can see that they are enjoying. The accommodation is set 15 minutes’ walk from Burg Mauterndorf. Share. Our Tour recommendations are based on thousands of activities completed by other people on komoot. Locations. In compliance with the latest official Corona virus directives for Austria, currently Mauterndorf Castle is to remain closed for visitors until January 17, 2021. Bring your kids and enjoy entertainment for all ages. About this ticket. Le David Appartments se trouve à 2 minutes à pied d'un arrêt de ski-bus et à 5 minutes en voiture du domaine skiable de Grosseck-/Speiereck. What's Included. Lowest Price Guarantee . Product ID: 370041. Tickets cost 60€ - 85€ and the journey takes 4h 22m. Many castles, such as Burg Mauterndorf and Burg Hohenwerfen, are well-preserved and gives visitors a congenial look into the life in the Middle Ages. Couples in particular like the location – they rated it 8.8 for a two-person trip. Accompanied by a lady-in-waiting or by a courtier, you can go for an “audience with the Prince Archbishop” in authentic style or for a romantic night tour in the mysterious defense tower. Opening & closing timings, parking options, restaurants nearby or what to see on your visit to Burg Mauterndorf Verwaltung? The hotel is located 0.3 miles from Mauterndorf city center. The Salzburger Burgen & Schlösser Management (SBSB) is a company-like institution of the Office of the Salzburg Provincial Government. Bio-Bauernhof Samerhof - Bio-Bauernhof Samerhof is situated approximately 10 minutes’ drive from Burg Mauterndorf and offers accommodation with a safety deposit box and parking lot. Location. When is check-in time and check-out time at Pension Lüftenegger? In particular US intelligence agencies will be able to access your data without informing you hand without you and without you being able to take legal action. Book your tickets online for Burg Mauterndorf, Mauterndorf: See 150 reviews, articles, and 227 photos of Burg Mauterndorf, ranked No.1 on Tripadvisor among 6 attractions in Mauterndorf. Guests can visit Burg Mauterndorf, which is 1,950 feet away. For this reason, the European Court of Justice has issued a judgment by which it invalidated the previous adequacy decision. Tickets cost 19€ - 25€ and the journey takes 2h 1m. Mauterndorf 85, Mauterndorf, Salzbourg, Autriche à 358 m du centre-ville Afficher sur la carte. Burg Mauterndorf - Marktstraße, 5570 Mauterndorf, Austria - Rated 5 based on 2 Reviews "Absolut Sehenswert !!!" Dominating a rocky outcrop, this 13th-century castle was built by the archbishops of Salzburg on the site of a Roman fort. Burg Mauterndorf is open: Sun - Sat 10:00 - 18:00; Buy tickets in advance on Tripadvisor. The imposing defense tower takes you back into the world of yesterday. See gallery Travel back in time to the Middle Ages at Mauterndorf Castle. This is our guests' favorite part of Mauterndorf, according to independent reviews. - See 150 traveler reviews, 227 candid photos, and great deals for Mauterndorf, Austria, at Tripadvisor. The cheapest way to get from Budapest to Mauterndorf costs only 52€, and the quickest way takes just 5¼ hours. Hotels near (VIE) Vienna Intl Airport Hotels near (KLU) Klagenfurt Airport. In particular US intelligence agencies will be able to access your data without informing you hand without you and without you being able to take legal action. Burg Mauterndorf 15 % discount on tickets for adults. For this reason, the European Court of Justice has issued a judgment by which it invalidated the previous adequacy decision. Easy . Austrian Railways (ÖBB) operates a train from Wien Hbf to Radstadt once a week. Also every guest enjoyed the ride where you can see beautifull nature and feel how our grand and grand granparents was traveling. But not only you: The family castle of Mauterndorf will amaze your whole family and show what life was like in the toll station castle centuries ago. Do you want to know the entry ticket price for Burg Mauterndorf? Check out all reviews and photos of Mauterndorf Castle Admission Ticket 6 (1) (a) GDPR. Listen to an informative audio guide as you explore the interiors with access to the viewing tower and the castle's exhibition. d. Österr. Spectacular journey through time for young and old. Pension/Ferienhaus Luftenegger - Situated directly beside Alpin Aerosport Austria, the 3-star Pension/Ferienhaus Luftenegger offers a beauty shop, a barber shop and a news stand. It was initiated in 1993 for Hohensalzburg Fortress, Hohenwerfen Fortress and Mauterndorf Castle according to business … Copy link Looking every inch the fairy-tale castle with its setting atop a rocky outcrop and sturdy towers, medieval Burg Mauterndorf is its village's pride and joy. 676 likes. Burg Mauterndorf: Beautiful medieval time machine - See 150 traveller reviews, 227 candid photos, and great deals for Mauterndorf, Austria, at Tripadvisor. Online tickets make a visit to Mauterndorf Castle even more appealing! All-inclusive! The accommodation is 2.4 miles from Moosham Castle and 2.4 miles from The Outdoorparc Lungau. Joint controller: Google LLC, Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USALegal basis of processing: voluntary, revocable consent at any timeConsequences of not consenting: No immediate impact on the website’s function, but limited possibilities of further development and failure analysisLegal basis of data transfer to the US: Data will be transmitted to the United States on the basis of your consent according to Art. Salzburg Region. We recommend booking Burg Mauterndorf tours ahead of time to secure your spot. Burg Mauterndorf, Mauterndorf: Pozrite si recenzie zariadenia Burg Mauterndorf, umiestnenie a fotografie od cestovateľov v Mauterndorf, Rakúsko na Tripadvisore. Bus operators. It was built in the 13th century by the archbishops of Salzburg on the site of a Roman fort. There is a supermarket, an art gallery and other stores within 5 minutes’ walk. About The Card; Discounts; The Card in Your Country; Get The Card; European Volunteer Card; European Youth Card Association Centre Dansaert Rue D'Alost 7-11 1000 … A balcony allows you to feel like you are at home. This family-run 3-star pension with a main and guest house is located in Mauterndorf in the Lungau region. Listen to an informative audio guide as you explore the interiors with access to the viewing tower and the castle's exhibition. Best price and money back guarantee! 6 (1) (a) GDPR. The toll castle, which just begs you to visit and discover its secrets, originated in the 13th century and for a time was the summer residence of the Salzburg archbishops. In addition, St. Wolfgangskirche is within … Burg Mauterndorf is far more than a historic stone structure. In addition, The Outdoorparc Lungau is within a walking distance of the property. The venue comprises 8 rooms. Taurachbahn Mauterndorf, Mauterndorf: See 15 reviews, articles, and 60 photos of Taurachbahn Mauterndorf, ranked No.3 on Tripadvisor among 6 attractions in Mauterndorf. Pension Lüftenegger is located at Markt 25, 0.2 miles from the center of Mauterndorf. This accommodation is also 2.6 miles from Museum Castle Moosham. Burg Mauterndorf is open: Sun - Sat 10:00 - 18:00; Buy tickets in advance on Tripadvisor. Bring your kids and enjoy entertainment for all ages. Mauterndorf: Castle Entrance Ticket 5.0 / 5 1 Review. See gallery Travel back in time to the Middle Ages at Mauterndorf Castle. These information answers detailedly about what to … This low-budget venue is adjacent to Grosseck. ... Best Hikes to Burg Mauterndorf. It is situated at an altitude of 1,138 metres (3,734 ft). The controller (Salzburg Burgen & Schlösser Betriebsführung, Austria) would like to use the following services in order to process your personal data. 70 m. 70 m. Easy hike From Mauterndorf Großeck Talstation. The controller (Salzburg Burgen & Schlösser Betriebsführung, Austria) would like to use the following services in order to process your personal data. Guests can visit Burg Mauterndorf, which is 600 metres away. Burg Mauterndorf. Find cheap hotels near Salzburg Burg Mauterndorf with real guest reviews and ratings. There is a supermarket, an art gallery and other stores within 5 minutes’ walk. Burg Mauterndorf. This is not necessary for the use of the website, but allows us to interact with you more closely. Exciting tour with the audio guide. If you want to change your privacy settings (grant consent or revoke your previously granted consent), click here to change your settings. Waltraud Comploy: Die Burgen Tirols am obersten Inn. Bring your kids and enjoy entertainment for all ages. If you book with Tripadvisor, you can cancel up to 24 hours before your tour starts for a full refund. A 5-minute walk takes guests to the Pizzeria Paletti. During visiting months, tickets are 2 Euros for Adults. The portal where passing traders once heard the words: âOpen your bag and pay the tollâ is now the gate leading visitors right back to Middle Ages. We visited Burg Mauterndorf with our 2 children, 8 and 5 years old, on a sunny summer's day. Choisir une chambre. History. Book the most popular Museum Tickets in Mauterndorf. 49 (1) (a) in conjunction with Art. Visitors of Mauterndorf adventure castle plunge deep into the history of the toll station castle from the 13th century. Burg Mauterndorf. Experience the whole range of offerings at Mauterndorf Castle. Don't miss out on the full experience: find and book tickets and tours for Burg Mauterndorf on Tripadvisor. Prebook tickets to Mauterndorf Castle (Burg Mauterndorf) in the Alps; Learn about ancient trade routes and more at the on-site museum; Capture gorgeous photos surrounded by snow-capped peaks; Mobile ticket helps save you time at the gate, even during peak season; Saved to wishlist! Burg Mauterndorf: Informative and very quiet. Compare Hotels in Mauterndorf and book a cheap hotel in Mauterndorf at FareCompare.com 49 (1) (a) in conjunction with Art. Read reviews, check out photos, and see which tour of Burg Mauterndorf is best for you. Visitors of Mauterndorf adventure castle plunge deep into the history of the toll station castle from the 13th century. Data will be transmitted to the United States on the basis of your consent according to Art. The center of Mauterndorf is about 0.2 miles away. Burg Mauterndorf is the closest landmark to Pension Lüftenegger. Centuries ago, the sundial above the Mauterndorf castle gate greeted merchants, scoundrels and travelers on their way through the Lungau region. Looking every inch the fairy-tale castle with its setting atop a rocky outcrop and sturdy towers, medieval Burg Mauterndorf is its village's pride and joy. 3.7 km/h. From $0.00 . In particular US intelligence agencies will be able to access your data without informing you hand without you and without you being able to take legal action. Mauterndorf: Castle Entrance Ticket Product ID: 370041. Alternatively, you can take a bus from Vienna to Mauterndorf via Salzburg, Salzburg South and Salzburg Ginzkeyplatz in around 7h 21m. This is not necessary for the use of the website, but allows us to interact with you more closely. Book Salzburg Burg Mauterndorf hotels and get the lowest price guranteed by Trip.com! One of our top picks in Mauterndorf. Tickets: Summer: 9.5 Euros for adults, 8 Euros for seniors, 22.5 Euros for families; Winter: 6 Euros for adults, 5 Euros for the elderly, 15 Euros for families. Kommissionsverl. The United States have not adopted data protection standards in conformity with EU requirements. Book Mauterndorf Castle Admission Ticket tickets from Way.com with best prices. ... Take in the views from a terrace and make use of amenities such as complimentary wireless Internet access and tour/ticket assistance. The free ski bus to Mauterndorf, Obertauern, Fanningberg and Katschberg stops only 100 feet away. 6 (1) (a) GDPR. Book Salzburg Burg Mauterndorf hotels and get the lowest price guranteed by Trip.com! 49 (1) (a) in conjunction with Art. Accompanied by a lady-in-waiting or by a courtier, you can go for an âaudience with the Prince Archbishopâ in authentic style or for a romantic night tour in the mysterious defense tower. Purpose: Initiating, controlling and maintenance of further servicesrocessing operations: Collection of connection data and data of your web browser; analysis for advancement of the serviceJoint controller: Google LLC, Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USALegal basis of processing: voluntary, revocable consent at any timeConsequences of not consenting: No immediate impact on the website’s functionLegal basis of data transfer to the US: Data will be transmitted to the United States on the basis of your consent according to Art. The United States have not adopted data protection standards in conformity with EU requirements. Jouissant d'un endroit paisible dans le centre de Mauterndorf, les appartements spacieux et modernes du David Appartments comprennent une connexion Wi-Fi gratuite et une télévision par satellite à écran plat avec lecteur DVD. The family-friendly venue features 22 soundproof rooms. This is an adventure castle where you can enter the Middle Ages and experience life at the castle as it was 500 years ago. For this reason, the European Court of Justice has issued a judgment by which it invalidated the previous adequacy decision. Book your tickets online for the top things to do today! Add to Cart. Hotels near Burg Mauterndorf; Hotels near Grosseck Speiereck; Hotels near Tourismusverband Mauterndorf; Hotels near Roberto Leonardi; Near Airports. Hotel Binggl - Hotel Binggl, located 47 miles from Klagenfurt airport, offers room services, ironing service and newspaper service. Easy. Burg Mauterndorf: 2020 Top Things to Do in Salzburg. Find cheap hotels near Salzburg Burg Mauterndorf from AUD with real guest reviews and ratings. For this reason, the European Court of Justice has issued a judgment by which it invalidated the previous adequacy decision. Read the reviews of your fellow travelers. Trip.com provides tourists with Burg Mauterndorf attraction address, business hours, brief introduction, open hours, nearby recommendation, restaurant, reviews etc. Burg Mauterndorf. It is recommended to buy a discounted online ticket. The accommodation is located a 5-minute walk to Ubungslift Mauterndorf I cable car station. 01:46. The latter in particular loved the castle and used it as a summer residence. 5-stars Hotels in Mauterndorf 4-stars Hotels in Mauterndorf 3-stars Hotels in Mauterndorf. In compliance with the latest official Corona virus directives for Austria, currently Mauterndorf Castle is to remain closed for visitors until January 17, 2021. Mauterndorf: Castle Entrance Ticket Product ID: 370041. 49 (1) (a) in conjunction with Art. The castle now houses a regional museum … Joint controller: Google LLC, Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USALegal basis of processing: voluntary, revocable consent at any timeConsequences of not consenting: No immediate impact on the websiteâs function, but limited possibilities of further development and failure analysisLegal basis of data transfer to the US: Data will be transmitted to the United States on the basis of your consent according to Art. Burg Mauterndorf attraction travel guidebook, Salzburg must-visit attractions. 3,8/5. Burg. Tickets cost 60€ - 85€ and the journey takes 4h 22m. About this ticket. If you want to change your privacy settings (grant consent or revoke your previously granted consent), click here to change your settings. Save. Book your tickets online for Burg Mauterndorf, Mauterndorf: See 150 reviews, articles, and 227 photos of Burg Mauterndorf, ranked No.1 on Tripadvisor among 6 attractions in Mauterndorf. Compare Hotels in Burg Mauterndorf and book a cheap hotel in Burg Mauterndorf at FareCompare.com Learn about the castle’s storied past, dating back to the 13th century, at the exhibition, or scale the 144-foot (44-meter) tower for glorious views of the Austrian Alps and historic Mauterndorf town. Easy hike From Mauterndorf. Purpose: Initiating, controlling and maintenance of further servicesrocessing operations: Collection of connection data and data of your web browser; analysis for advancement of the serviceJoint controller: Google LLC, Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USALegal basis of processing: voluntary, revocable consent at any timeConsequences of not consenting: No immediate impact on the websiteâs functionLegal basis of data transfer to the US: Data will be transmitted to the United States on the basis of your consent according to Art. In particular US intelligence agencies will be able to access your data without informing you hand without you and without you being able to take legal action. 6.73 km. Europe. The tour goes to Hohenwerfen Castle, Mauterndorf Castle, and Hellbrunn Palace, with lots of scenic highlights along the way, such as the meadow from the movie—”The Sound … Austrian Alps. Discover everything you need to know about Burg Mauterndorf—a hiking attraction recommended by 12 people on komoot—and browse 21 photos & 2 insider tips. 49 (1) (a) in conjunction with Art. Burg Mauterndorf: beautiful castle - See 150 traveller reviews, 227 candid photos, and great deals for Mauterndorf, Austria, at Tripadvisor. Listen to an informative audio guide as you explore the interiors with access to the viewing tower and the castle's exhibition. Do you want to know the entry ticket price for Burg Mauterndorf Verwaltung? Groups of children, pupils and young people have the chance to plunge deep into the Middle Ages at Mauterndorf adventure castle. See gallery Travel back in time to the Middle Ages at Mauterndorf Castle. Further reading. 3.7 km/h. Find the travel option that best suits you. The United States have not adopted data protection standards in conformity with EU requirements. Austrian Railways (ÖBB) operates a train from Wien Hbf to Radstadt once a week. Online Ticket. Diese Ausstellung in der Burg Mauterndorf zeigt Ihnen die Einzigartigkeit und die Vielfalt des Lungauer Brauchtums im Jahreskreis. Salzburg Verkehr Gmbh operates a bus from Salzburg Hauptbahnhof to Mauterndorf Ledermoos 4 times a day. If you book with Tripadvisor, you can cancel at least 24 hours before the start date of your tour for a full refund. Hotels near (VIE) Vienna Intl Airport; Hotels near (KLU) Klagenfurt Airport; All things to do in Mauterndorf; Things to do near Burg Mauterndorf. Click Now to check the details! Évaluations de l'hôtel. The United States have not adopted data protection standards in conformity with EU requirements. Get organized and book ahead for Mauterndorf Castle (Burg Mauterndorf), a fairytale clifftop fortress nestled in the mountains south of Salzburg. Under the guidance of our museum educators, they will find out interesting stories on the former toll station and the temporary summer residence of Salzburg Prince Archbishops. Product ID: 370041. Burg Mauterndorf. The castle in Mauterndorf is not to be overlooked as it is located on a mountain cliff at the edge of the village. Listen to an informative audio guide as you explore the interiors with access to the viewing tower and the castle's exhibition.
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