I. Statistical Information Network of the Republic of China This website serves as a national statistical portal of the Republic of China. Data of 2018 in some tables are absent, because the data verification of the Fourth Economic Census is in progress. Yearbook English title:China Statistical Yearbook 2019 China Price Statistical Yearbook 2019 (Chinese-English)(Chinese Edition) Yearbook English title:China Statistical Yearbook on Science and Technology 2019 Click on the Cover Book Image to download this eBook. Statistical discrepancies on totals and relative figures due to rounding are not adjusted in the Yearbook. China Statistical Yearbook 2019 is an annual statistical publication, which reflects comprehensively the economic and social development of China. Book Title : "ASEAN Statistical Yearbook 2019" Introduction : One of the ASEANstats landmark statistical publications containing a series of historical and updated data on ASEAN demographic, social and economic dimensions. It covers data for 2018 and key statistical data in recent years and some historically important years at the national level and the local levels of province, autonomous region and municipality directly under the Central Government. STEEL STATISTICAL YEARBOOK 2019 Concise version. China Statistical Yearbook on Science and Technology-2019 is prepared jointly by the Department of Social,Science and Technology,and Cultural Statistics National Bureau of Statistics and the Department of Strategy and Planning of Science and Technology.The Yearbook,which covers data series at the national,provincial and local levels,and autonomous regions,as well as departments directly under the State Council,reports on the development of China’s science and technology activities. I. According to the Japanese Ministry of the Environment, Japan’s greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions decreased by 2.7% in the financial year 2019-2020 (April 2019-March 2020) to 1,213 MtCO 2eq, their lowest level since 1990-1991.It represents a 14% decline compared to the financial year 2013. Availability : Printed Version;Electronic Version( CD Version contain EXCEL files,PDF Version). Of the chapter “Resources and Environment”, table of Identified Reserves of Major Minerals are added. Preface This yearbook presents a cross-section of steel industry statistics that are exchanged or published by the World Steel Association. VIII. Eastern region, central region, western region and northeastern region in the Yearbook are divided as following: Eastern 10 provinces (municipalities) include: Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei, Shanghai, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Fujian, Shandong, Guangdong and Hainan; Central 6 provinces include: Shanxi, Anhui, Jiangxi, Henan, Hubei and Hunan; Western 12 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) include: Inner Mongolia, Guangxi, Chongqing, Sichuan, Guizhou, Yunnan, Tibet, Shaanxi, Gansu, Qinghai, Ningxia and Xinjiang; Northeastern 3 provinces include: Liaoning, Jilin and Heilongjiang. It contains comprehensive statistics from 2008 to 2018 on crude steel production by country and process, steel production by product, steel trade by product, apparent steel use and apparent steel use per capita by country, as well as production and trade of pig iron and directly reduced iron. Statistical Yearbook 2019, Sixty-second Issue This publication is an annual compilation of a wide range of international economic, social and environmental statistics on over 200 countries and areas, compiled from sources including UN agencies and other international, national and specialized organizations. VII. Investment in Fixed Assets; 11. Culture and Sports; 24. Please refer to the newly published version of the Yearbook for updated historical data. It contains comprehensive statistics from 2009 to 2018 on crude steel production by country and process, steel production by product, steel trade by product, apparent steel use, and more. The yearbook contains the following nine parts.The first part reflects general science and technology(S&T)information on whole society;The second part,the third part and the forth part reflect respectively S&T information about Industrial Enterprises,Independent Research Institutions and Institutions of Higher Education Industrial Enterprises cover Industrial Enterprises above Designated Size,with the sales revenue above 20 million RMB;Independent Research Institutions cover the municipal and above and independent accounting scientific research and technological development institutions which belong to government;Institutions of Higher Education cover Institutions of Higher Education and affiliated hospitals.The fifth part contains information on High Technology Industry.The sixth part contains information on innovation activities of enterprises.The seventh part contains information on National Program for Science and Technology.The eighth part contains information on results of S&T activities.The ninth part covers Scientific and Technologic Service and S&T activities of China Associations for S&T.The tenth part contains information on the international comparisons. China Price Statistical Yearbook 2019 (Chinese-English)(Chinese Edition) [GUO JIA TONG JI JU CHENG SHI SHE HUI JING JI DIAO CHA SI BIAN] on Amazon.com. China. beijing-statistical-yearbook-2019 Beijing Statistical Yearbook is a large statistical book published continuously on a chronological basis.With a great deal of statistical data,this Yearbook gives a reflection of the economic and social development and changes in Beijing over the past year.It serves as an important reference book for domestic and foreign personnel in all circles to understand and know … China Statistical Yearbook 2019 I. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Each province's GDP is listed in both the national currency renminbi (CN¥), and at nominal U.S. dollar values according to annual average exchange rates and according to purchasing power parity (PPP). China Statistical Yearbook on Science and Technology 2019. Industry; 14. China Statistical Yearbook (CSY) is another source for trade data. Since that time, however, the rate has fallen sharply, with a decline from 253 million in 2014 to 241 million in 2018. 09 Dec Japan's GHG emissions fell to record low in 2019-2020. ASEAN Statistical Yearbook 2019 i FOREWORD First published in 2002, the ASEAN Statistical Yearbook has become one of the ASEAN Secretariat’s most established publications. The Statistical Yearbook 2020 is divided into four thematic chapters: • Chapter 1 (Economic dimensions of agriculture) provides an overview of agriculture, forestry and fishing from an economic standpoint. The national data in this book do not include those of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, the Macao Special Administrative Region and Taiwan Province, except for the divisions of administrative areas, the area of the national territory and forest resources and otherwise specified. China Statistical Yearbook 2019 is an annual statistical publication, which reflects comprehensively the economic and social development of China. The ERS China agricultural and economic database is a collection of agricultural-related data from official statistical publications of the People's Republic of China. China electricity mix 2019. Language : English and Chinese bilingual Hotels, Catering Services and Tourism; 18. Statistical Yearbook 2019, 62nd Issue, Series: S, 38; About. Notations used in the Yearbook: (blank space) indicates that the data are unknown, or are not available; “#” indicates a major breakdown of the total; and “*”or “①”indicates footnotes at the end of the table. China Statistical Yearbook 2012 has been published at Septembe r 25.. China Statistical Yearbook 2012 is an annual statistical publication, which reflects comprehensively the economic and social development of China. China Statistical Yearbook 2019 is an annual statistical publication, which reflects comprehensively the economic and social development of China. China Statistical Yearbook on Science and Technology 2019, China Forestry And Grassland Statistical Yearbook 2018, China Land and Resources Statistical Yearbook, China Population and Employment Statistics Yearbook, China Statistical Yearbook on Culture and Related Industries, China Statistical Yearbook on Science and Technology. Statistical Database. Agriculture; 13. All GDP figures are based on the national currency Chinese yuan (code:CN¥). People’s Living Conditions; 7. Wholesale and Retail Trades; 16. Statistics on the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and the Macao Special Administrative Region as included in this yearbook are provided by the Census and Statistics Department of the Government of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and the Statistics and Census Service of the Government of Macao Special Administrative Region respectively; and are edited by the National Bureau of Statistics. IV. It contains comprehensive statistics from 2009 to 2018 on crude steel production by country and process, steel production by product, steel trade by product, apparent steel use and apparent steel use per capita by country, as well as production and trade of pig iron and directly reduced iron. Availability : Printed Version;Electronic Version(PDF Version). In comparison with China Statistical Yearbook 2018, following revisions have been made in this new version in terms of the statistical contents and in editing: Of the chapter “National Accounts”, value-added by sector of gross regional product and relevant indicators of gross regional product (by income approach and by expenditure approach) are deleted. One chapter listed as Appendix is Main Social and Economic Indicators of Other Countries/Regions. The article lists China's province-level divisions by gross domestic product (GDP). Between 2000 and 2010, according to the China Statistical Yearbook: 2019, the floating population grew from 121 million to 221 million. Published Date :10/2019 About the notations in the chapters of Hong Kong SAR and Macao SAR, please refer to the brief introduction in relevant chapters. Ⅰ.China Statistical Yearbook 2019 is an annual statistical publication,which reflects comprehensively the economic and socialdevelopment of China.It covers data for 2018 and key statistical data in recent years and some historically important years at thenational level and the local levels of province,autonomous region and municipality directly under the Central Government. • Chapter 2 (Production, trade and prices of commodities) presents the outputs of the sector in terms of the production and trade of the different commodities and the evolution of prices. China Statistical Yearbook on Science and Technology 2019 Download, Yearbook title:中国科技统计年鉴2019 Published Date :12/2019 Main Social and Economic Indicators of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (SAR); 27. China electricity statistics 2019. Language : English and Chinese bilingual Web Database Query (Exportable to excel) Download data on Trade in Goods, Trade in Services, Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), Tourism, Population and … The China Statistical Yearbook (traditional Chinese: 中國統計年鑑; simplified Chinese: 中国统计年鉴), also translated into English as China Statistical Annual, is a large-scale yearbook of statistical information comprehensively reflecting the economic and social development of the People's Republic of China. Compiled by the Research and Statistics Unit, this Yearbook presents the most comprehensive picture of film in the UK and the performance of British films abroad during 2018. Employment and Wages; 5. This publication is one of the ways the BFI delivers on its commitment to evidence-based policy for film. China Statistical Yearbook on Science and Technology, China Statistical Yearbook on Science and Technology 2019, China Forestry And Grassland Statistical Yearbook 2018, China Land and Resources Statistical Yearbook, China Population and Employment Statistics Yearbook, China Statistical Yearbook on Culture and Related Industries. Welcome to the 2019 BFI Statistical Yearbook. Urban, Rural and Regional Development; 26. Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation; 12. Education; 22. Monthly Data; Quarterly Data; Annual Data; Census Data The United Nations Statistics Division is committed to the advancement of the global statistical system. Notations used in this book:“(blank space)”indicates that the figure is not large enough to be measured with the smallest unit in the table or data are unknown or are not available;“#”indicates a major breakdown of the total;and“*”or“①”indicates footnotes at the end of the table. It covers data for 2018 and key statistical data in recent years and some historically important years at the national level and the local levels of province, autonomous region and municipality directly under the Central Government. Guangdong Statistical Yearbook 2019. VI. II. Of the chapter “Wholesale and Retail Trades”, tables of Sales of Passenger Cars and Sales of Second-hand Passenger Cars are added. Statistical discrepancies due to rounding are not adjusted in the yearbook.
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