© TU Dresden. >>> Do 17.10. https://tu-dresden.de/usz. Dezember 2020 mit Informationen zu Preise, Inhaltsstoffen und Allergenen. Das haben wir getrennt von de… September 2020. Freiwilliger Einsatz in einem Contact Tracing Team (CTT): Zur Verstärkung der Gesundheitsbehörden bei der Pandemiebekämpfung ist auch die TUM laufend aufgefordert Mitarbeiter*innen zu benennen. Insbesondere in der Frischeküche ist Hygiene oberstes Gebot. The decision is intended to contribute to the protection of the general public. The outdoor area can still be visited during the opening hours from 10 am to 5 pm. Der Stufenplan der TU Berlin tritt ab dem 19. fans, air conditioners or heaters, are only allowed to be used if the work spaces or laboratories are not used by more than one person. Wichtig: Für alle Stufen gelten die Hygieneregeln der TU Berlin. Im Semester werden täglich rund 2.200 Mittagessen ausgegeben. Oktober 2020 mit Dienstbeginn in Kraft. All members of staff and students who visit TU buildings and facilities must register either online in advance or on site from October 27th. Kann man in diesem Jahr ganz normal studieren? https://tu-dresden.de/tu-dresden/organisation/zentrale-universitaetsverwaltung/dezernat-3-zentrale-angelegenheiten/sg-3-5-informationssicherheit/handlungsempfehlungen-rueckkehr-homeoffice?set_language=en, As of 20th April, TU Dresden will gradually resume laboratory-based research, including the necessary operation of the workshops. The SLUB university library is also commencing the winter semester digitally. Arbeitsrechtliche Regelungen an der TUK (15.12.2020) This replaces the announcement of 22nd March 2020. Corona-Warn-App: Wir empfehlen allen Mitarbeitenden und Studierenden die Nutzung der Corona-Warn-App des Robert-Koch-Instituts. The Association of Friends and Sponsors of TU Dresden e.V. Unter Berücksichtigung der aktuellen Situation im Zusammenhang mit der Corona Pandemie sind diversitätss ensible Veranstaltungen der Online-Lehre genauso gefragt. Corona-Ampel der HTW Dresden - Seit dem 2.11.2020 gilt die Stufe Rot Auf der Grundlage des aktuellen Infektionsgeschehens in Dresden und der Hochschule wird eine Corona-Ampel eingeführt. Wie lernt man neue Leute kennen, wenn Vieles digital stattfindet? Please do not move the tables and chairs; keep a safe distance away from each other in order to protect from infection. Further information and registration to be found here. Der Zugangs-Link zum ZIH-Tool wird Ihnen am Nachmittag des 26.10.2020 direkt per Rundmail mitgeteilt. According to the information in the current circular letter from the University Executive Board, the obligation to wear a mouth and nose cover now also applies to TUD classrooms. The authorisations for trips previously granted are cancelled and rescinded. For further details visit: https://www.studentenwerk-dresden.de/wirueberuns/newsartikel-4680.html. TUD’s Rector Prof. Hans Müller-Steinhagen thanked all members for the close cooperation and their commitment. The Mensa Siedepunkt - which has been in the hands of the Studentenwerk Dresden since 1999 - is located inside the Drepunkt library on Zellescher Weg, opposite the main library SLUB (Sächsische Landesbibliothek - Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Dresden) Mensa Siedepunkt in Dresden. Unsere Mensa Siedepunkt ist ab 19.12.2020 bis einschließlich 10.01.2021 geschlossen. Sächsische Corona-Schutz-Verordnung vom 15.12.2020 (PDF) Allgemeinverfügung Hygieneauflagen vom 11.12.2020 (PDF) Bitte beachten Sie außerdem die regionalen Informationen und Vorschriften an Ihrem Studienstandort: Landeshauptstadt Dresden Tharandt Zittau Görlitz Bautzen Rothenburg Vor-Ort-Termine im Studentenwerk Dresden Wir bieten Ihnen eine schmackhafte Vielfalt an gesunden Speisen zu fairen, transparenten Preisen und einem freundlichen Service. Vorschlagsberechtigt sind alle Studierenden, Beschäftigten, Hochschulinitiativen und -gruppen der TU Dresden. Message of the Vice-Rector for Research on 14th April 2020, Rector Müller-Steinhagen draws first conclusions about operating in emergency mode for 3 weeks The opening of the Mensa Zeltschlösschen is planned for the beginning of July. Sie befindet sich auf dem Hauptcampus der Technischen Universität Dresden im Dresdner Stadtteil Räcknitz.Der nördliche Haupteingang führt zur Mommsenstraße und die Seiteneingänge im Westen zur Helmholtzstraße und im Osten zur Dülferstraße. The Botanical Garden and the associated Botanical Collections in the Landschloss Zuschendorf – including the Camellia Flower Show, will be closed as of Wednesday, 18th March 2020. Weihnachsschließzeit Liebe Gäste, wir haben vom 21.12.2020 bis 3.1.2021 geschlossen. The containment of the infection is also the responsibility of the individual, first and foremost by adhering to the distancing regulations and by avoiding unnecessary activities. Nachdem Corona das Sommersemester 2020 an der TU Dresden weitgehend auf digitale Studienofferten reduziert hatte, startet im Oktober das Wintersemester als hybrides Studium: Präsenzveranstaltungen gibt es wieder mehr, viele Vorlesungen und Seminare werden aber weiter nur per Internet angeboten. Details will be announced next week. Administrative deed of the Saxon State Ministry for Social Affairs and Social Cohesion (SMS) of 31st March 2020. This is false. The cafeterias of the Studentenwerk Dresden also remain closed. Der Speiseplan Alte Mensa vom 21.12. bis 27.12. Work Safety, Radiation Protection and Environment, Consulting services regarding COVID-19 (Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2), Last modified: The Alte Mensa is expected to reopen on June 15th. Corona Richtline der TUK (11.12.2020) Hygienekonzept der TUK (11.12.2020) Handreichung für Veranstaltungen (11.12.2020) Formular Kontakterfassung. "Wir haben den Bereich der Salate. This means you must wear a mask in the corridors, staircases, seminar rooms and lecture halls, and it is highly recommended that that you wear one everywhere on campus and in the outdoor areas. An unserer Universität ist ein Krisenstab unter Leitung des Hauptberuflichen Vizepräsidenten einberufen worden, der die notwendigen Maßnahmen initiiert und umsetzt und die jeweils aktuelle Situation beobachtet und bewertet.Bei allen Maßnahmen stehen wir in engem Austausch mit dem Gesundheitsamt sowie mit dem Land Niedersachsen und allen weiteren zuständigen Einrichtungen. For this, we have updated FAQ: In addition to making the wearing of masks compulsory in the buildings, a process flow for cases of student infection / staff infection and an infrastructure for working remotely have been established, as well as the provision of plans for room usage, on-site teaching and on-site examinations. Since the first semester activities led to five of eight new infections at TU Dresden, the University Executive Board is calling for compliance with the university-wide concept of measures. This measure will be in place until further notice and applies the central library and the branch offices incl. Only two persons are allowed to sit together at each table – a safe distance of 1.5m between you and those sitting to your left and right must be maintained. In agreement with the other Saxon universities, the start of all teaching events that require students to be present has been postponed until at least 4th May. The summer semester at TU Dresden starts on 6th April 2020, as we have repeatedly stated. In the current situation, it is a shared responsibility to contain the spread of the novel corona virus as far as possible. Excerpt - reading version only, intended to be comprehensible for international students and employees of TU Dresden: 200401_Fassung-RV-SaechsCoronaSchVO_ENG.pdf, https://tu-dresden.de/tu-dresden/gesundheitsmanagement/information-regarding-covid-19-coronavirus-sars-cov-2/beratungsangebote-zu-covid-19, English translation (for information purposes only, no legal validity! https://www.coronavirus.sachsen.de/amtliche-bekanntmachungen.html#a-6650. Die 9bar und Cafeteria Mensa 2 in Braunschweig bleiben vom 20.03. bis 19.04. geschlossen. Der Mensa-Speiseplan für heute Montag, den 21. Die Corona-Pandemie verlangt uns einschneidende Beschränkungen ab – aber wir suchen und finden kreative Lösungen für den Arbeitsalltag, für Studium, Lehre und Forschung sowie für den persönlichen Austausch durch digitale Vernetzung. Institute of Electrical Power Engineering. From June 8th onwards, "lieber mensen gehen!" BIC DRESDEFF850 Rector's Message as of 4th December 2020. From 8th June, the SCS will return to the Zellescher Weg office building and will be available again during the usual office hours via phone and mail for all questions regarding studies and applications: The SLUB Servicepoint will, unfortunately, remain closed. Covid-19 - TU-Studenten im Coronajahr: „Es fühlt sich ein bisschen an wie friss oder stirb“ Wegen der Pandemie müssen Studenten seit Monaten Zuhause lernen. © TUD. In addition, employees should work remotely wherever possible (mobile working). Consequently, TUD's concept of measures has been updated. From 4th May, further steps are planned for the return to normal university operations, incl. TU Dresden Today at 4:35 AM # TUDKultur : Dresdner Studentenclubs durch die Corona-Krise bedroht ... Corona hat die 13 Studentenclubs in Dresden von März bis Anfang des Sommers zu einer Zwangspause gezwungen. The Studentenwerk has just announced that the Alte Mensa cafeteria will be closed from Monday 16th March. By postponing, TU Dresden is following the recommendations of the Saxon Ministry of Science. will continue to support TUD students who, due to the pandemic, are in a proven acute emergency situation and need immediate help. The email should also contain the most important key data of the event. In particular, this includes all lectures. In addition to the expanded digital services being offered during the coronavirus crisis, the SLUB opened its doors again, with certain restrictions, with a minimal contact lending service. Der Studentenrat der TU Dresden. https://tu-dresden.de/studium/im-studium/coronavirus. Initial restrictions in connection with the corona pandemic. Over the weekend, it was confirmed that two members of staff were tested positive for the coronavirus. Es gibt einen Moment am Tag, an dem alle das Gleiche denken: MENSA! 6th June: Natural sciences, Mathematics, and Medicine Auch die Cafeterien des Studentenwerks Dresden bleiben noch geschlossen. The student is doing well under the circumstances and is in domestic quarantine. © TUD, After a four-week test period, the large online sports offer for all students and staff with more than 150 live courses and training videos for download will be launched on 4th May. Visits must be booked online (exept for returnings), items borrowed before the closure will no linger be renewed and as of 2nd June late fees will be recharged. Beim Essen steht auch bei uns der Geschmack im Mittelpunkt. Als Konsequenz aus der Corona-Krise geht die Technische Universität Dresden ab dem Wochenende in einen Notbetrieb über. 2012 die Eröffnung der BioMensa U-Boot maßgeblich vorangetrieben All business trips are now prohibited, with immediate effect and until further notice. Wir wünschen unseren Gästen ein besinnliches Weihnachtsfest und einen guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr 2021. Seit dem 19. The German Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs has published a new SARS-CoV-2 occupational safety regulation. However, due to the corona pandemic, no teaching events will take place that require students to attend until at least 4th May 2020. Please find the link to a corresponding tool here (https://tud.link/rpyb). Dec 08, 2020. (KW 52) mit Infos zu Preisen, Inhaltsstoffen und Allergenen. durch die Rundmail des Rektorates "WICHTIG - neue Corona-Schutzverordnung, Zugang zur TU Dresden, Kontaktverfolgung" vom 26.10.2020 sind alle Persoenen, die die Gebäude der TU Dresden betreten wollen, aufgefordert, "sich vorab über das hierfür vom TUD-Zentrum für Informationsdienste und Hochleistungsrechnen ZIH eingerichtete Tool an[zumelden]. ♫ Club Mensa Dresden added 101 new photos to the album: Grosser Erstistart 8.10.19 mit Ersti-DJ's . The crisis management team will decide whether the event is allowed to go ahead. Dresden, 29. The facilities are open from Monday to Friday from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Unfortunately, it is not currently possible to fill your own personal take-away boxes and cups. https://tu-dresden.de/karriere/weiterbildung/wissenschaftliches-personal, Some cafeterias offer a takeaway service beginning on 4th May. On 17th April, TU Dresden’s Crisis Management Team decided that in order to continue to protect against the coronavirus and to curtail infections, staff who need to enter TUD premises must apply for an authorisation via LINK, Recommendation for returning to the office after working remotely (data protection & information security https://www.studentenwerk-dresden.de/mensen/speiseplan/, From 4th May 2020, the new Corona Protection Ordinance is in force in Saxony. The start of events with mandatory attendance of the 2020 summer semester at TU Dresden has been postponed, until at least 27th April 2020. Die Alte Mensa Dresden (auch Alte Mensa oder Alte Mensa Mommsenstraße) ist eine Mensa in Dresden. All scheduled events will be suspended until 4th May. This measure relates to the research institutes B CUBE, BIOTEC and CRTD with effect from 14th March 2020, midnight, and will stay in force for at least 14 days. Under the patronage of the Rector of TU Dresden, the Association of Friends and Sponsors of TU Dresden (GFF) has set up an support programme for students in order to quickly and easily organise scholarships and assistance to help them through this difficult time: for every euro donated, the association’s own funds are made available in the same amount and distributed to the students who have suffered the greatest hardship due to the current situation. Oct 26, 2020. These are also available in the FAQ. Starting on 4th May, only selected teaching events that require students to attend will take place. All forms of teaching that can be made available digitally will not be offered as classroom-based courses this summer semester. More information. The premises of the Faculty of Medicine, the Students’ Union (Studentenwerk) and the SLUB are subject to their own regulations. 43.000 Menschen - 125 Länder - eine Uni. Unfortunately, boxes that you bring with you cannot be used or filled. In order to assist all newcomers, first-year students and those changing their study location or degree programme in getting acquainted with the SLUB, there are three new online tools available: Live online seminar ": „SLUB for beginners“". he University Executive Board has decided to discontinue on-site teaching as of Thursday, December 10, 2020, and to switch completely to online teaching. © TU Dresden, The University Executive Board and Crisis Management Team, in coordination with the state government, have decided to activate TU Dresden’s emergency operations mode, starting at midnight during the night from Friday to Saturday. 13th June: Humanities, Social Sciences, and Teacher Training degrees Als Teil der Grundversorgung bleiben weiterhin geöffnet: Mensa 1, Mensa 2, und bistro4u in Braunschweig, Mensa Clausthal, Uni-Mensa Hildesheim, Mensa Lüneburg, Mensa Wolfenbüttel. Sehr geehrte Studenten, Detailed information of using the library during the corona outbreak: www.slubdd.de/corona. The Vice-Rector Academic Affairs, Prof. Gerald Gerlach, Prof. Gerald Gerlach, Vice Rector Education at TU Dresden, answers important questions about the start of the semester. Due to the wide range of courses on offer, a total of four virtual UNI-Days will be held, each with different topics. This year, the Uni-Day will take place digitally. New Corona Protection Decree of the Free State of Saxony further eases restrictions starting on 15th and 18th May 2020: Organisers of events with 30 – 100 people have to fill in a risk assessment (xls-file with calculation) and send the completed risk assessment to the crisis management team (corona@tu-dresden.de) for authorisation. Tagesaktuelle Meldungen zum Thema erscheinen im TUD-Corona-Ticker.. Mit welchen Aktivitäten sich die TU Dresden auf allen Ebenen der Corona-Herausforderung stellt, lesen Sie im Newsfeed TUD-Corona-Aktivitäten. From Monday, May 25th, the dining rooms are opening again. Sehr geehrte Studentinnen, In both cases, the affected employees are in home quarantine. Lecturers roll out digital teaching tools. News on the semester start, TU Dresden's University Sports Centre offers free online sports courses – more than 50 courses per week, ranging from bridge to yoga, for TU Dresden’s students and members of staff. Nachdem bereits die erste Testreihe ein positives Bild ergab, zeigt auch die zweite Untersuchung, dass Schulen keine Corona-Hotspots sind. The responsible committees of TU Dresden will now deliberate on how this decision shall be implemented in detail. will also be the motto at the Mensa Johannstadt and at the Mensa Stimm-Gabel. 22:22 Semester Opening XXL >>> Für Studenten Eintritt & 1 Getränk frei!
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