She will serve as the academic director of the Transfer Agency that is currently being set up. She finished her master's degree in Computer Science at the University of Ilmenau in April 2014 and became research associate at the University of Hamburg in August of the same year. Die Wehrbeauftragte des Deutschen Bundestages, Dr. Eva Högl, war am 11. In seiner heutigen Videobotschaft spricht Universitätspräsident Prof. Dr. Klaus Beckmann über die Fortführung der aktuellen Prüfungsphase unter den Bedingungen des zweiten bundesweiten Lockdowns, Schutzmaßnahmen an der Helmut-Schmidt-Universität, Kameradschaft in Zeiten der COVID-19-Pandemie und die rein digitale Fortsetzung der Lehre bis 18. Die meisten Gespräche mussten allerdings online stattfinden: Die Mehrzahl der Universitätsmitglieder arbeitet derzeit mobil zu Hause. However, I would like to emphasize that I personally do not find my research interests that diverse. Email: Fenja.DeSilva-Schmidt "AT" Faculties. Die Lehrenden waren gezwungen, abrupt auf digitale Lehre umzustellen – mit durchaus […]. Office hours. Research Group OA, Department of Mathematics, University of Hamburg Bundesstraße 55 (Geomatikum) 20146 Hamburg Room 107 phone: +49 40 42838-5988 telefax: +49 40 42838-5117 email: (at) The sociologist Prof. Dr. Sabine Maasen is switching to Universität Hamburg for a professorship newly created within the context of the Excellence Strategy of the Federal and State Governments. In Kent, I headed the Centre for the History of Medicine, Ethics and Medical Humanities. Room: 313. sechs Tipps dazu, wie man sich auf eine mündliche Prüfung besonders gut vorbereiten kann. Nachdem sich der Campus einige Zeit als „grüner Fleck“ auf der tiefroten Hamburger COVID-19-Landkarte hielt, bildet sich die Entwicklung der Pandemie mit einiger Verspätung nun auch bei Universitätsmitgliedern ab. Hamburg Research Academy; Hamburg Center for University Teaching and Learning (HUL) Universitätskolleg; Center for a Sustainable University (KNU) Center of Natural History; Center for Earth System Research and Sustainability; Museums and collections; University Archives (in German) All academic institutions; Regional Computing Center (RRZ) But spatial distance can also be helpful. Dezember 2020 zu ihrem ersten Besuch an der Helmut-Schmidt-Universität. Just send me an e-mail ( in order to make an appointment for a (video) phone call. Principal Investigator Art History Address. In the context of the project “Taming the European Leviathan: The Legacy of Post-War Medicine and the Common Good,” funded by the ERC Synergy Grant, I will also deal with this topic intensively over the next 6 years. I am fascinated by the tension between German and Anglo-American historiography. I am also impressed with what the University has achieved in the Excellence Initiative and am looking forward to participating in it from the fall. Schmidt, K. (2017): „Homeless City Hamburg“: visuell-geographische Perspektiven obdach- und wohnungsloser Menschen auf die Stadt Im Rahmen der Vortragsreihe: Hamburg und Norddeutschland der Geographischen Gesellschaft Hamburg, 7.12.2017; Schmidt, K. (2017): "Seeing the homeless city" aus visuell-intersektioneller Perspektive Principal Investigator. Hamburg Research Academy; Hamburg Center for University Teaching and Learning (HUL) Universitätskolleg; Center for a Sustainable University (KNU) Center of Natural History; Center for Earth System Research and Sustainability; Museums and collections; University Archives (in German) All academic institutions; Regional Computing Center (RRZ) At Universität Hamburg, I would like to initiate something similar. This page: UHH > MIN > Department of Chemistry > Services > IT-Service > Team > Dipl.-Chem. Dr. Kai Schmidt-Hoberg. The history of medical ethics is at the center of my work. Feministische Geo-RundMail, N°83, S. 71. Sozialpsychologe Univ.-Prof. Dr. Hans-Peter Erb erklärt im Gespräch mit Judith Balzukat, M. Principal Investigator Address. Inter- wie intrakulturelle Grenzüberschreitungen in Emine Sevgi Özdamars Das Leben ist eine Karawanserei und Die Brücke vom Goldenen Horn «, in: Focus on German Studies 19 (2012), hg. Hamburg Research Academy; Hamburg Center for University Teaching and Learning (HUL) Universitätskolleg; Center for a Sustainable University (KNU) Center of Natural History; Center for Earth System Research and Sustainability; Museums and collections; University Archives (in German) All academic institutions; Regional Computing Center (RRZ) Fremdsprachliche Angestellte. Photo: UHH/Schmidt Wood Physics This page: UHH > MIN > Department of Biology > Research > Ecology and Biological Resources > Wood Physics > Externally Funded Projects > Project BioHome > This page: UHH > Center of Natural History > About Us > Staff and Organization Chart > Prof. Dr. Andreas Schmidt-Rhaesa Prof. Dr. Andreas Schmidt-Rhaesa Head of … Das Pilotprojekt soll die Kosten und Nutzen vermiedener Krisen – sogenannter „Non-Events“ – im Bereich des gesundheitlichen […], Aktuelle Angebote für zivile Studierende: Studienplätze mit finanzieller Förderung Die Kooperationspartner der Helmut-Schmidt-Universität haben die Ausschreibungen ihrer Stipendien an der HSU für den Studienstart der Bachelorstudiengänge im Oktober 2021 online gestellt. I believe that a certain distance can be an advantage for a historian. Allgemeine, Interkulturelle und International Vergleichende Erziehungswissenschaft sowie Pädagogische Psychologie (EW 1) Von-Melle-Park 8. Sc., wie die beiden Informationsverarbeitungsprozesse […], Sechs Millionen Euro für Wasserstofftechnologien in der Sektorkopplung, Projekt „Co-Learning Space“ mit rund einer Million Euro gefördert, Helmut-Schmidt-Universität/Universität der Bundeswehr Hamburg, Fakultät für Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften, Fakultät für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften. Thomas Klassen) der Helmut-Schmidt-Universität Hamburg haben gemeinsam mit der Altran Deutschland S.A.S. Nucleus professorships were created by Universität Hamburg as part of the Excellence Strategy of the Federal and State Governments. Universität Hamburg is committed to sustainability. Schmidt, K. (2019): "Homeless people will live forever, baby": Obdach- und Wohnungslosigkeit als urbanes Verhältnis. This page: UHH > HBS – Hamburg Business School > Chair of Management in Health Care > Team > Research Assistants > Henrike Schmidt Henrike Schmidt Research Assistant Philipp Neumann Holstenhofweg 85, 22043 Hamburg Her research interest lies in the transfer of knowledge through media, opinion leaders and the investigation of networks in science communication. Sie sind hier: UHH > FUNDus! The academic year is … Since Spring 2016: Professor for the History of Philosophy at the University of Hamburg. „HyReflexS“ beschäftigt sich mit wasserstoffbasierter Notstromversorgung mit integriertem Regelkraftwerk mittels flexibler Sektorkopplung und Metallhydridspeichern. In my work, I always try to bring these traditions together. Photo: UHH/Schmidt Wood Physics This page: UHH > MIN > Department of Biology > Research > Ecology and Biological Resources > Wood Physics > Externally Funded Projects > Project BioHome > Cluster Research Field. Nach einem sprunghaften Anstieg der Neuerkrankungen am 29. Portrait. Hamburg Research Academy; Hamburg Center for University Teaching and Learning (HUL) Universitätskolleg; Center for a Sustainable University (KNU) Center of Natural History; Center for Earth System Research and Sustainability; Museums and collections; University Archives (in German) All academic institutions; Regional Computing Center (RRZ) Hamburg Research Academy Hamburg Center for University Teaching and Learning (HUL) Universitätskolleg Center for a Sustainable University (KNU) Center of Natural History Center for Earth System Research and Sustainability Museums and collections University Archives (in German) All academic institutions Regional Computing Center (RRZ) Administration of student and research assistants, and tutors Faculty of Humanities: Dept. She finished her master's degree in Computer Science at the University of Ilmenau in April 2014 and became research associate at the University of Hamburg in August of the same year. Als „Universität des Bundes“ unterstützt die Helmut-Schmidt-Universität Ministerien, Behörden und Institutionen bei der gezielten Fachkräfteentwicklung. This, by the way, means that historical research into East Germany, with all its contradictions, makes an increasing multiperspectivity possible. Student facilities and services. Christian Schmidt Photo: Christian Schmidt 20146 Hamburg… > Schmidt Museum > Schmidt Museum Schmidt Museum The Schmidt Museum is dedicated to the work of the Estonian optician Bernhard Schmidt (1879-1935), an optician specialised in astronomical optics, who had his workshop at Hamburg Observatory. This question seemingly makes it possible to identify common European values and to answer the question of what actually holds Europe together—across the system boundaries between the former Eastern bloc and the capitalist-oriented countries of the West. The maps are amazingly modern, partly because they left unknown areas empty rather than filling them with fictional beings and places, explains Dr. Nadja Danilenko, an Islamic studies researcher in the..., Faculty of Business, Economics and Social Sciences, Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Natural Sciences, Faculty of Business Administration (Hamburg Business School), beluga – Catalogue of Hamburg Libraries, Office of Affairs for Students with Disabilities or Chronic Diseases, The Cluster of Excellence Quantum Universe, The Cluster of Excellence Understanding Written Artefacts, Hamburg Center for University Teaching and Learning (HUL), Center for a Sustainable University (KNU), Center for Earth System Research and Sustainability, Prospective continuing education students, First nucleus professor at Universität Hamburg, Historian Establishes Center for the History of Values and Health. Moreover, Wolfram Schmidt conducts research projects with a focus on high performance computing in astrophysics. I look at the topic in the context of its respective era and social background. »Im Raum der Anderen. Außerdem erklärt er, wie ein Prüfling die […], Wie verarbeiten Menschen Informationen? Von der Umwelt erhalten wir Informationen, die wir mithilfe unserer Sinne aufnehmen. Thomas Klassen) der Helmut-Schmidt-Universität Hamburg haben gemeinsam mit der Altran Deutschland S.A.S. With its calls for applications for these professorships, the University aims to attract leading researchers and to advance the development of research areas, such as Infection Research. My future colleagues gave me an extremely warm welcome during our initial talks, and I am also very much looking forward to working with them. They play a key role in strengthening emerging fields. Research Field B: Inscribing Spaces. Hamburg Center for University Teaching and Learning (HUL) Universitätskolleg; Center for a Sustainable University (KNU) ... UHH > Understanding Written Artefacts (UWA) > People > Professor Dr Peter Schmidt. Hamburg Research Academy; Hamburg Center for University Teaching and Learning (HUL) Universitätskolleg; Center for a Sustainable University (KNU) Center of Natural History; Center for Earth System Research and Sustainability; Museums and collections; University Archives (in German) All academic institutions; Regional Computing Center (RRZ) Sozialpsychologe Univ.-Prof. Dr. Hans-Peter Erb, der schon über 1.000 mündliche Prüfungen abgenommen hat, gibt im Gespräch mit Judith Balzukat, M. Sc. In addition to further research expertise, the new professors are expected to vitalize research-based teaching at Universität Hamburg. März, dem wenige Tage zuvor bereits der Shutdown der Universität durch die Überwachungsstelle für öffentlich-rechtliche Aufgaben des Sanitätsdienstes der Bundeswehr Nord voranging, hat die Prüfungsdurchgänge des Wintertrimesters und des Frühjahrstrimesters durcheinandergewürfelt. By contrast, in the United Kingdom and the United States, they often take a more essayistic, even narrative, approach and focus on people’s everyday experiences. The application calls for nucleus professorships (nucleus is Latin for “kernel”) are being advertised within the scope of the Excellence Initiative of the Federal and State Governments. As a University of Excellence, Universität Hamburg is one of Germany’s best universities. […], Die Professur für Betriebswirtschaftslehre, insb. Die Professuren für Elektrische Energiesysteme (Prof. Dr.-Ing. Monographs and Serial Publications Team 1: Civil and Criminal Law Address The university has an urban campus in Hamburg. He has published books on English satire, Dickens, D.H.Lawrence, English melodrama and the history of the American skyscraper. I studied physics at the Johannes Kepler University Linz, the University of Leicester, and the Universtiy of Vienna.In 2004, I received my PhD from the Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics and the Technical University of Munich.My supervisor was Wolfgang Hillebrandt.. After postdocs in Würzburg and Göttingen in the group of Jens Niemeyer, I joined Hamburg Observatory in 2015. He will establish a similar center at Universität Hamburg. Areas of research. Two colleagues and I acquired this grant in order to investigate the importance of health in various European countries in the postwar period. Hierzu gibt es verschiedene institutionelle Kooperationen, die zahlreiche Stipendien- […], Die Professuren für Elektrische Energiesysteme (Prof. Dr.-Ing. on appointment by email [Analysis III] I graduated from the University of Lübeck with a Bachelor's and Master's degree in Computational Life Science in 2015. In the Loki-Schmidt-House Economic plant museum, the diversity and significance of the use of plant resources is made comprehensible and graspable for young and old visitors. © 2020 Universität Hamburg. Studied English, Romanic and Germanic Studies at the Universities of Munich and Paris and at the University College of Swansea (South Wales) German Language Lektor at the University of Southampton (1970-71) Professorial Teaching Responsibility at the University of Bielefeld (1980-81) Prof. Dr. Ulf Schmidt will become the first nucleus professor at Universität Hamburg at the beginning of September. In […], Information for foreign students concerning the Corona Shutdown can be found on the website of our International Office. It is exciting that the nucleus professorship will enable me to once again build an interdisciplinary research center and thus establish a basis for different people and disciplines to cooperate. Faculty of Business Administration (Hamburg Business School) Services. Einrichtungen. Christian Schmidt Dipl.-Chem. Universität Hamburg. Application process and the cost of tuition. Prof. Dr. Ulf Schmidt will become the first nucleus professor at Universität Hamburg at the beginning of September. Please let me know if you have any questions or need any advice notwithstanding the Covid-19-induced restrictions. The first Arabic description of the world using texts and maps was created in the 10th century. Email: "AT", support "AT" Prof. Dr. Johann N. Schmidt, Professor für Anglistik, emeritiert. Professor Dr Peter Schmidt. Hamburg Research Academy Hamburg Center for University Teaching and Learning (HUL) Universitätskolleg Center for a Sustainable University (KNU) Center of Natural History Center for Earth System Research and Sustainability Museums and collections University Archives (in German) All academic institutions Regional Computing Center (RRZ) Frauen verändern Wissenschaft an der Universität Hamburg, S. 301-304. Organisationstheorie der Helmut-Schmidt-Universität (HSU) initiierte unter der Leitung von Professor Dr. Stephan Duschek das Projekt „Co-Learning Space für Hamburger Cluster – Kollektive Erschließung neuer Felder und Akteure“. Das auf zwei Jahre angelegte Forschungsprojekt wird vom Europäischen Fonds für Regionale Entwicklung und der Freien und Hansestadt Hamburg zu gleichen Teilen mit einer […], Liebe Universitätsmitglieder, was für ein fürchterliches Jahr! Thomas C. Schmidt is professor of Computer Networks and Internet Technologies at Hamburg University of Applied Sciences (HAW), where he heads the Internet Technologies research group (iNET). Susanne Schmidt is a PhD student at the Human-Computer Interaction Group of the Department of Informatics at the University of Hamburg. ... Email: schmidt "AT"

Xpenology Mac Address, Latein übungen Campus, Hotel Norddeutscher Bund Heiligenstadt Speisekarte, Schnookeloch Heidelberg Restaurant öffnungszeiten, Bildungsniveau Deutschland 2019, Logik Mathematik Beispiele, Bild Affe Mit Zigarre,