If you need assistance, please contact corona@uni-giessen.de. State examinations may in prinicple be carried out at JLU in compliance with hygiene and safety regulations. Persons who need to cooperate and work together for business, professional, official, educational or care-related reasons are thus allowed to have face-to-face meetings. I commute a long distance and start/end my commute between 9 p.m. and 5 a.m. You can contact the Competence Team Digital Teaching by email at digitale-lehre@uni-giessen.de. For special support (e.g. You will find the current version of the corona contact and operating restrictions ordinance on the homepage of the Hessian state government under the heading “Für Bürgerinnen und Bürger: Aktuelle Lesefassungen der Verordnungen” (German version only). In this case, it is possible for the supervisor to fill in the form, print it out and scan it with the signature so that the employee can print out the signed form. After making an appointment and briefly explaining your issues, you can also get in touch through online chat or video counselling: www.uni-giessen.de/studium/zsb. Please observe the above mentioned rules for the booking system and release booked places that you do not use for others. If suitable pandemic materials are to be procured in the event of a pandemic, the superior authority will direct this order. Deviations from this are only permitted in special individual cases, if the current, pandemic-related workload makes this necessary. vor Fußbereich mit Impressum, FAQ concerning the new coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2). Federal or state regulations on state examinations remain unaffected by this regulation. During the currently very precarious situation, the University Hospital Giessen (UKGM) is once again calling on students for their support in health care. This particularly applies to teaching, examinations and admission courses, as well as to the use of study, computer and work rooms, and workplaces in libraries which are available to students outside of courses for their studies. Possible measures are, for example, the installation of protective walls shifting working hours (including morning and/or evening hours), working from home, reducing overtime and flexitime, checking the allocation of a single room, checking the allocation of other activities within the right to issue instructions, wearing protective clothing, wearing a mouth-and-nose cover, adherence to distance and hygiene regulations etc. when moving through the corridors in a building), in all rooms open to the public as well as in all event rooms and during events, you generally have to wear a mouth-and-nose mask. Barrierefreiheit uni Vpn Client free download intern. With a proof of posting from the post office (registered mail), students have the opportunity to obtain secure proof of submission. Generally avoid touching your mouth, eyes and nose with your hands. Until then, the informed persons should go into voluntary domestic quarantine. |, Information for Students who Started the Programme in 2020-2021, JLU - Logo, Link zur Startseite der JLU-Gießen, vor rechter Kolumne mit zusaetzlichen Informationen, Official welcome for (virtual) international students, Prof. Dr. Joybrato Mukherjee, President, Justus Liebig University Giessen (asynchronous), Campus Tour: click on “Contact” to find two videos on JLU campuses and the city of Giessen (asynchronous). We further refer to the occupational health recommendation "Dealing with employees in need of special protective measures due to the SARS-CoV-2 epidemic". On this basis, students should be able to plan to what extent they will be physically present at the university in the winter semester. Stud.IP: 'Hands-On'-Demo. To help the public health department to trace possible chains of infection if necessary, address and telephone number must also be provided when booking. In some cases, planned events may have to be cancelled, which can result in cancellation costs. Hybrid semester concept of the State of Hesse (September 2020): Studieren in Hessen ab dem Wintersemester 2020/2021 - Präsenzlehre mit Augenmaß. ilDoc — ILIAS Source Code Documentation | Stud.IP Docs — Stud.IP Source Code Documentation. You receive the link with the access information by e-mail. Für Stud.IP ab Version 4 gibt es unter https://hilfe.studip.de eine aktuelle Hilfe. Download Stud.IP mobile apk 1.3.9-RELEASE for Android. In justified exceptional cases, the respective authority may decide whether to grant paid leave of absence from work on the basis of an occupational medical examination and by taking into account the duty of care and the fulfilment of the duty to provide services. The confirmation must presented as a document on the mobile phone or printed out and handed it (together with the JLU chip card or other identification document). Alternatives such as video and telephone conferences must be prioritised and examined in advance. Employees returning to Germany from such a risk state must enter the quarantine/separation in accordance with Section 1 Sentence 1 of the Ordinance on the Control of the Coronavirus of 13 March 2020 in the currently valid version (nach § 1 Abs. You should be able to participate having all audio functionalities in place (video and microphone). To use the video-ident procedure, you must register via the web form in advance. In this context, the individual institutions must draw up their own operational pandemic plan. The respective company or institution is responsible for the observance of hygiene measures and personal safety precautions. The delivering persons must then be picked up at the building-specific entrance or location and accompanied to the final delivery point; this also applies to the way back. The digital services and resources of the university library are fully available to JLU students and employees. Further information on this can be found on the website of Hessian Ministry of Higher Education, Research and the Arts (HMWK). Online VPN client uni giessen - The Top 7 for most users in 2020 All sorts Things speak for the Use of online VPN client uni giessen: The numerous Detailanalysis and Usersdriving of online VPN client uni giessen show glassclear: The Variety of Pluses make the purchase decision very much easily. The information must contain prename, surname, status at JLU (employee / student), affiliation (organisational unit) and duration of the quaratine (date of beginning and end). Es folgt die Suche. You will find further information on admissions tests here: https://www.uni-giessen.de/studium/bewerbung/voraussetzungen/studiengangsspezifisch/eignungspruefung/uebersicht. You should also make sure to sit down in a quiet place while participating in the sessions. The only exception to this is the study of veterinary medicine, where the number of resits / retake examinations is limited to two in accordance with § 17, section 1 of the veterinary regulations for registration (Tierärtze-Approbationsverordnung). The Hessian Teachers' Academy (Hessische Lehrkräfteakademie, HLA) informs the candidates individually. Use the participation lists/seating plans to determine which persons are eligible as category 1 contact persons. These contact data will be deleted after one month. vor Sie sind hier You must fill it in electronically and it must be signed by your supervisor. Access to buildings JLU buildings including JLU sports facilities will remain closed to the public. Damit die Lernplattformen Stud.IP und ILIAS für euch immer auf dem neuesten Stand bleiben, ist es Zeit für einen Server-Umzug. Please note that the delivery of furniture, large appliances and other equipment may require the assembly by external service providers in individual cases. If you are interested and/or have any questions, please e-mail gunhild.flemmer@uk-gm.de or alexander.pielka@uk-gm.de. 1 der Verordnung zur Bekämpfung des Corona-Virus). The mask must also be worn while you are seated at your workspace. You will continue to be paid for a maximum period of six weeks. You should do a technical test of Webex Meetings beforehand here. vertikale linke Navigationsleiste We have been revolutionizing fastening and assembly technologies for almost 100 years. The regulation applies to all examination attempts following 12 March 2020, i.e. The Federal Police publish the current regulations on their website. It also applies to conferences organised by JLU at other locations. Law on temporary employment in higher education changed - Maximum time within temporary employment extended by six months for doctoral students and postdocs. We recommend you to use a laptop/PC instead of your smartphone/tablet since some of the features will not be available if you are using a mobile device. JLU does not cover the costs of corona tests. Working from home or mobile working is encouraged (see also “Employees”). However, usually you should be muted when entering a presentation, except for the Q&A session where we will inform you in the beginning how we will interact to answer your outstanding questions. Accordingly, events and face-to-face meetings must be reduced to an absolute minimum and are only possible if the distance and hygiene regulations can be observed in the respective rooms. Future teachers: First state teaching examination. The district of Giessen points out that when using public transport, a missed bus, for example, does not legitimise a breach of the curfew. If you have further questions on research processes, please contact the vice-president for research and graduate studies vpf@uni-giessen.de. The respective office or persons in charge should subsequently send back the original document by post / by internal mail. Yet due to the dynamic pandemic development, JLU only approves those face-to-face events that are immediately related to studies and teaching. Employees of the state of Hessen are expected to follow the recommendations of the Robert-Koch Institute for protection against the coronavirus Sars-CoV-2. Instead of on-campus office hours, there will be alternative forms of office hours; lecturers will be available via telephone. Are the oral examinations within the first state teaching examination made up? This also applies to using them on a computer. If rooms are not connected to a technical ventilation system, please make sure to air your room accordingly. 293 Synes godt om. Against this background, the total permissible fixed-term limit in accordance with Section 2(1) (§ 2 Absatz 1 WissZeitVG) has been extended by 6 months for employment relationships existing or having existed between 1 March 2020 and 30 September 2020 as of 1 March 2020 as stated in Section 7(3). However, mail is delivered to and collected from the areas and facilities at a reduced rate, but at least once per day. Until further notice, priority is given to ensuring that the garden can be used for research and teaching under increased safety and hygiene standards. Teachers can either opt for other forms of examination or follow the above-mentioned notes on examinations that require physical presence. → These opportunities are to be used by the employees as a priority at first. Please note that the Q&A sessions are an exclusive offer for you as virtual students and will therefore take place in a separate WebEx meeting. To prevent an infection with the corona virus, make sure that your (eventually contaminated) fingers do not touch the mucous membranes of your mouth and nose or your face. is provided by the, (scholarship within German Federal Law on Training and Education Promotion), JLU - Logo, Link zur Startseite der JLU-Gießen, vor rechter Kolumne mit zusaetzlichen Informationen, Cases of illness / Suspected cases of illness, Hygiene rules for external service providers, Law on temporary employment in higher education (WissZeitVG), FAQ on the website of Robert Koch Institute (RKI), Information on the disinfection of surfaces, Hygiene regulations for external service providers, Safety precautions for meetings of university governing bodies and internal committee meetings, Safety precautions for dealing with test persons, information on the organisation of the room booking for examinations, hygiene rules for external service providers, instructions for the disinfecting cleaning of surfaces, occupational health and safety information, official decree of the district of Giessen, "Dealing with employees in need of special protective measures due to the SARS-CoV-2 epidemic", the planning aid for fire and health protection, official regulations for university governing bodies of JLU, official regulations of the district of Gießen, organisational information on booking rooms for examinations and face-to-face courses, protective measures for face-to-face courses and examinations, Departmental Library for Natural and Life Sciences (ZNL, Departmental Library in the Zeughaus (ZHB, Government of the Federal State of Hessen, information sheet on first aid activities during the corona pandemic, https://www.uni-giessen.de/org/admin/dez/b/3/Dateien/corona-probanden, student services Giessen (Studentenwerk Gießen), www.uni-giessen.de/coronavirus/wintersemester20-21, Hybrid semester concept of the State of Hesse, corona contact and operating restrictions ordinance, Richtlinien für Promotionsordnungen der JLU, central office for bookings and allocating rooms for events, https://www.hessen.de/sites/default/files/media/1vo_corona_stand_08.11_1.pdf, you are classified as a contact person of category 1 with close contact (“higher” risk of infection) as defined by RKI, you are in quarantine / isolation as stated in Section 1, Sentence 1 of the Ordinance on the Control of the Coronavirus of 13 March 2020, as amended, particularly due to return from a foreign risk area) (§ 1 Abs. Since 16 November 2020, UB has made more workspaces available: We have temporarily set up a new study room in the former ProMarkt at Karl-Glöckner-Straße 5a. The follow-up period begins two days before the onset of symptoms - if no symptoms have occurred, then the follow-up starts two days before the test. Wearing mouth-and-nose covers does not invalidate the distance rules. Students and employees from inner-German risk areas according to the RKI survey may take part in on-campus events or may come to their workplace at JLU while observing the usual distance and hygiene regulations. However, in accordance with the explanations provided by the district in the above-mentioned regulations, participants may bring their own food and drink. Based on a previous assessment of the working conditions, your supervisors must determine – if necessary in consultation with the occupational safety specialists - whether occupational health and safety measures are necessary to effectively protect you from health risks associated with the performance of your work. For technical reasons, JustOS is not accessible via VPN, which means that orders cannot be placed while working from home or mobile working. Als Abschluss der Seite findet sich die Brotkrumennavigation und im Fussbereich Links zu Barrierefreiheit, Impressum, Hilfe und das Login fuer Redakteure. Many innovative solutions have been found and processes could be reorganised in this area as well. The provided grant is non-repayable. distance regulations, glass partition, etc.) This regulation applies retroactively from 15 March 2020 and ends on 31 December 2021. Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen Fachbereich Agrarwissenschaften, Ökotrophologie und Umweltmanagement Studiendekanat 24.09.2020 2 Afternoon (usually 14.00-18.00) Note: detailed information is given in Stud.IP Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday t n 14 MK 015 Plant Protection and AB Bioengineering Kogel MK 057 Molecular Gebäude A12 Wiesenstraße 8-10. regarding Vpn Jlu Login Online -Dienste wie VPN, den AnyConnect VPN - Browser wie den "Internet Stud.IP oder Nach 206 5535 Cidadao Login des HRZ ProtonVPN email clients like Outlook Cisco Giessen is a VPN - Client zu VPN - Client -. on the amendment of the WissZeitVG can be found here. März 2020), you have received an order for a separation / isolation by the public health department. Students who interrupt their external internships due to the corona pandemic should contact the dean for students of their respective faculty. As a result of the COVID 19 pandemic, there are various restrictions on the work or research projects of scientific and artistic staff, in particular due to pandemic-related closures of laboratories, libraries, etc. According to the current information of the RKI, the variety of different potentially predisposing pre-existing conditions and their severity (e.g. Priority should be given to checking whether mobile working is possible. I have to look after my child/children under the age of 12 as the school or day care centre is closed. regular, correct hand washing and consistent observance of coughing and sneezing etiquette.Contact with members of the university must be restricted as much as possible. For questions please contact: ilias
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