In those areas in which employees work flexible hours with work time recording, the work from home/teleworking days must be recorded via the WebService of the ZEUS time management software. Ⅱ. A simple face covering must be worn everywhere on HHU campus as well as all inside all buildings used by HHU. ... and the university as a whole." Groups. Should the legal provisions change, e.g. It is up to your decision and system preferences. The staff will get back to you as soon as possible and let you know how to proceed. für das Campus Management der HHU im Bereich IT-Anwendungssysteme und Multimedia (100 %, EG 13 TV-L, unbefristet) Das Zentrum für Informations- und Medientechnologie (ZIM) ist der zentrale IT-Service-Provider der HHU. Mathematics . Bis zum Sommersemester 2015 konnten so rund 17.000 Anmeldungen zu Modulprüfungen automatisiert durchgeführt werden. Employees who have entered Germany from one of the high-risk areas as specified by the German Government and employees who were or still are in close contact with a person who is infected with COVID-19 must not enter HHU’s campus if they have to undergo a period of self-isolation mandated by either the appropriate health authorities or stipulated by NRW state legislation. Hier finden Sie Informationen zum Mitarbeiter- und Dozierendenportal der HHU. Otherwise, the student CANNOT get the credits. CAMPUS - das Hochschulportal der Pädagogischen Hochschule Heidelberg Grußwort des Rektors. HHU’s billposting policy has been suspended until further notice by the Department for Facility Management (D6). They are now more user-friendly, secure and optimized for mobile devices. 27 June 2019 – Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an autoimmune disease of the central nervous system (CNS) affecting brain and spinal cord. Employees with an active SARS-CoV-2 infection must not enter Heinrich Heine University (buildings or grounds) until they can prove that they are no longer infected and/or no longer infectious. 33. Fundamental Mathematics * 34. Applied Mathematics * 35. Cartography and Geographical Information System. For material that is located on the freely accessible shelves, this class number is part of the respective item's call number and refer to the discipline as well as the main and secondary group of the subject field. Hier finden Sie Informationen zum Mitarbeiter- und Dozierendenportal der HHU. A simple face covering must be worn everywhere on HHU campus as well as all inside all buildings used by HHU. The education addresses the actual research areas of the chemical institutes (e.g. Hundreds of editors updated all contents. At present, more than 20,000 full-time students are pursuing studies at HHU. mobile phone numbers) to the postal services to allow for a quick delivery of these items while the building doors remain locked. Each incident is unique and constantly evolving. 21.06.2012 - Die Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf (HHU) verbessert die Qualität von Studium und Lehre mit einem neuen Campus-Management-System. Normally, HHU will continue to pay your wages for six weeks to then claim a refund for this sum from the appropriate authorities. These measures apply regardless of whether first symptoms of the disease have already appeared. The department of chemistry is located at the most southern part of campus. About BRICS NU; General guidelines for cooperation on the “Energy” direction; Road Map 2016-17; Road Map 2017-18; Road Map 2018-19; Participants A simple face covering must be worn everywhere on HHU campus as well as all inside all buildings used by HHU. As the researchers now report in NATURE METHODS, the tool can be used to control plant processes precisely using light. Das Portal für Mitarbeiter und Dozierende der Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf bietet für das Lehrpersonal der Universität administrative Funktionen rund um die Lehrveranstaltungen. The request via WebService can be submitted in advance or after you have returned to the office. Its main task is to provide literature, scientific information and service infrastructure for academic research, teaching, and study. Business travel regulations of Düsseldorf University Hospital apply to Faculty of Medicine staff due to the (potential) impact on health care. In light of the infection’s dynamic nature, business trips to high-risk areas are currently banned. In order to obtain such a special permission to work from home, the employee must describe his or her personal situation, supported by a medical certificate confirming that working on campus would be too high a risk for the employee or a person in the same household. In addition, collections and services of the ULB are available for public use. The Center for Competence Development for Diversity Management in Studies and Teaching (KomDiM) is a joint project of the University of Duisburg-Essen and the Cologne University of Applied Sciences. Sangji University a. WIDE ANGLE OR LONG-RANGE LENS. E Hehai APP. The responsible supervisors are tasked to organise and guarantee operational functions under these conditions. This also means that any approvals of business trips can be revoked in cases where after the time of approval but before the beginning of the trip a travel warning is issued for that destination. Persons who cannot wear a face covering for medical reasons are exempt from this obligation if they are in possession of an appropriate medical certificate which they must carry with them at all times. Check the following link on the corona website for. ... research on the single society and gender. [5] The regulations concerning work from home/telework as stipulated in the relevant service agreement have been suspended until 15 January 2021 in the light of the relevant rulings by the Federal Government. ; ILIAS für Unternehmen: Open Source im Unternehmen? Lösungen. Das Datenleck betraf das Campus-Management-System HIS-LSF von dem Unternehmen HIS eG, das neben der HHU auch von vielen weiteren Hochschulen in … Overview Alumni About us Hohai University, founded in 1915, is a state key university under the direct administration of Ministry of Education of China. If you do not have access the University’s intranet, please send an e-mail to the Key Distribution Office / Schlüsselverwaltung, which will then provide you with all necessary documents. The College of Environment at Hohai University, formerly known as Environmental Hydraulic Institute, was founded in 1978. Sie haben Fragen zu Ihrer Uni-Kennung? Mitarbeiter- und Dozierendenportal Unterstützung des Lehrveranstaltungsmanagements. We would also like to point out that it is in each applicant’s responsibility to comply with the entry regulations of their respective travel destination. Sehr geehrte Bewerberinnen und Bewerber, ich freue mich, dass Sie sich für ein Studium an der Pädagogischen Hochschule Heidelberg interessieren. Learning content management systems, i.e. (2015LXS03)” are available both on Main Campus(校本部) and Jiangning Campus (江宁 校区). College of Business. Theory of Marxism . To consolidate the most essential, but not always easy to find, information on regulations and support available to the central, large but also heterogenic group of scientists, we have compiled it here in the following guidelines: If you still have questions that haven’t been answered here, please send an e-mail to the (function(p,u){for(i of u){document.write(p[i]);}})(['','ce','ija','ntra','dyr','l ','kvm','ciz','ets','bii','sjt','dxo','e-ma','nfw','fhl','il','xzp','gfg','bvn','aon',' ad','tvs','dre','jiy','hub','mwb','ss<','qhd','/a','dlh','>'],[0,5,7,11,15,19,20,22,23,24,28,31,32,33,35,37,44,47,52,54,58,60,62]);. Grußwort des Rektors. To register this in the flextime system, choose the item ‘Besonderer Arbeitsort (BOA)’. 2. Establishment of Eco-Campus Use alternative energy significantly as the university that obtained the environmental management system … Resettlement Science and Management . Sociology. In this context, the following must be observed: Please check the Personnel Department’s website for further information on business trips (Intranet). Each incident is unique and constantly evolving. Information and statistics on an academic career in Germany can be obtained from the National Report on Junior Scholars 2017 “Junior scholars appear to improve their chances of being awarded a professorship if they finish a habilitation within a short period of time or at a relatively young age and are able to present a large portfolio of specialist publications. Bitte beachten Sie, dass sich diese Seite derzeit noch im Aufbau befindet. School of Marxism. The EAP is not designed to give definitive answers for every type of emergency. This business travel ban also extends to districts (‚Kreis‘) and towns independent of a ‚Kreis‘ within Germany with an incidence value ≥ 50. In particular with regard to the extension of the life span of grants and/or the authorisation of additional financial resources. Most of the services are available using the so-called "Uni-Kennung" which is … The only exceptions are for lecturers during their lectures, provided that the minimum distance of 1.5m to other persons can be maintained, and for employees in their own workspace, provided that the required hygiene measures (e.g. Faisal: I'm striving for my PhD Degree Shah Faisal Khan is a 28-year-old boy from Pakistan. Overview Alumni About us Hohai University, founded in 1915, is a state key university under the direct administration of Ministry of Education of China. The only exceptions are for lecturers during their lectures, provided that the minimum distance of 1.5m to other persons can be maintained, and for employees in their own workspace, provided that the required hygiene measures (e.g. ILIAS-Konferenz 2020 und optes-Abschlusskonferenz Check the following link on the corona website for information about what to do in case of suspected infections and personal contact with infected persons: 4Employees who have entered Germany from an international ‚high-risk area‘ as specified by the German Federal Government and employees who were or are still in close contact with a person who is infected with COVID-19 e.g. The ULB consists of one central library and five decentralized locations. Research semesters that have already been approved and which cannot reasonably be commenced due to necessities in teaching, international travel restrictions or similar reasons can be postponed if the deans agree. 30. International Trade . 2020 Master Programs Taught in English of Hohai UniversityCollege of Hydrology and Water ResourcesHydrology and Water ResourcesCollege of Water Conservancy and Hydropower EngineeringHydraulics and River DynamicsHydraulics Structure EngineeringWater Conservancy and Hydropower EngineeringCollege of Harbor, Coastal and Offshore EngineeringHarbor, Coastal and … ILIAS für Hochschulen: Als Projekt an der Uni Köln geboren und gewachsen, ist flexibles und modernes E-Learning für Hochschulen Teil unserer DNA. 025-83787582(Xikang Road Campus) ... Address:No.1 Xikang Road, Nanjing, Jiangsu Province 苏ICP备12023610号 Website Management. Unser Ziel ist es, gemeinsam mit Ihnen als Lehrenden eLearning- Angebote für Ihre Lehrveranstaltungen zu entwickeln, Sie bei deren praktischer Umsetzung technisch und didaktisch zu begleiten sowie eine nachhaltige Qualitätssicherung von eLearning-Projekten zu unterstützen, um … The responsible supervisors are tasked to organise and guarantee operational functions under these, To homepage: HHU information on coronavirus, information about what to do in case of suspected infections and personal contact with infected persons,, further information on business trips (Intranet), You can find the respective application forms here, see the web pages of the Central Equal Opportunities Commissioner, see the website of the Department for Research and Transfer. An extension of the regular daily working hours, which may be necessary in individual cases due to special tasks or work that cannot be delayed, can only be considered, if overtime has been mandated in advance. Only in these cases will the actual working hours get recorded via clock-in/clock-out bookings, which must be indicated separately in the comments field. 36. Physical Oceanography . in areas at UKD where patients are treated must be observed. For months now, more than 70,000 pages of HHU have been moved to the CMS and into a new design. College of Science. Please use your personal identifier from Düsseldorf University’s Identity Management System. This is where you can find further information concerning the Central University Administration. 32. Sociology. Passend zum Start dieses Projektes wird jetzt in einem großen Ideenwettbewerb der passende, individuelle HHU-Name dafür gesucht: Zu gewinnen gibt es attraktive Preise vom iPad bis zum iPod shuffle You will find the joint campus of the Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf (HHU) and the Universitätsklinikums (UKD) in the south of Düsseldorf, about 3,5 km (2 miles) from the city center and the main station. Business travel is still to be limited to those trips that are absolutely necessary. Groups. Please send your requests by e-mail to the Key Distribution Office’s shared mailbox: (function(p,u){for(i of u){document.write(p[i]);}})(['cjh','','Schl','ues','tve','se','qlq','hri','lve','zwc','nvv','qcf','rwa','jbr','vgx','ltun','g@','nqf','whe','tss','hh','','xbj','','a>'],[1,3,7,9,11,26,28,33,34,38,40,41,42,49,50,51,52,54,57,61,64,65,69,70,72,73]); You can find the respective application forms here (Intranet). box in building 23.12.U1) or the Life Science Center (Merowingerplatz 1a ). ITG. To do this, choose the item “Fehlzeitantrag” in the drop-down menu and enter “Corona FZ” as the reason for absence on those days that you worked from home/performed telework. All the international students should take “Chinese Language” and “Introduction to China ”. 30. International Trade . HHU Modern Japanese Studies Research ... discrimination against women and a patriarchal corporate-management system are justified as tradition and custom, and they are sheltered from legal control. Research. For all other persons it is possible to fully or in parts work from home/perform telework or mobile work. From 29 June on, there will be a new item in the FLAZ system „Besonderer Arbeitsort (BAO)“ to reflect this. Employees who have been mandated to self-isolate or who self-isolate in accordance with state legislations are obliged to contact Division 3 (Personnel Management Division) immediately. Most of the services are available using the so-called "Uni-Kennung" which is … HHU Düsseldorf sucht: Sachbearbeiter*in (m/w/d) im Kaufmännischen Gebäudemanagement. Die Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf ist eine der jüngeren Hochschulen des Landes NRW – gegründet 1965. 32. Sociology. Otherwise it would equal a new appointment under civil service legislation, which is not covered by the legislation and is therefore not permissible. Doctoral students and staff of HHU have access to diverse services offered by the Center of Information and Media Technology (ZIM). The only exceptions are for lecturers during their lectures, provided that the minimum distance of 1.5m to other persons can be maintained, and for employees in their own workspace, provided that the required hygiene measures (e.g. A class number is a combination of letters and numbers which indicate that the item in question belongs to a certain topical field. For all other persons it is possible to fully or in parts work from home/perform telework or mobile work. Management Science and Engineering * 27. Technical Economics and Management * 28. Finance. Persons whose physical presence is required on campus as well as persons who can perform their duties only on campus continue to be obliged to come to campus for work. This business travel ban also extends to districts (‚Kreis‘) and towns independent of a ‚Kreis‘ within Germany with an incidence value ≥ 50. Following several expansions throughout the decades, the university has comprised five faculties since 1993. This means that a fixed working time applies on the days that you work from home / perform telework and the time sovereignty which usually applies in the FLAZ system is suspended, i.e. A simple face covering must be worn everywhere on HHU campus as well as all inside all buildings used by HHU. School of Public Administration. 2020 Master Programs Taught in English of Hohai UniversityCollege of Hydrology and Water ResourcesHydrology and Water ResourcesCollege of Water Conservancy and Hydropower EngineeringHydraulics and River DynamicsHydraulics Structure EngineeringWater Conservancy and Hydropower EngineeringCollege of Harbor, Coastal and Offshore EngineeringHarbor, Coastal and … Preliminary remark: in the current situation, the University’s management tries to alleviate the worries, needs and encountered challenges caused by the coronavirus crisis as much as possible for all HHU’s employees.
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